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dad being admitted into the hospital


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My mom left a message on my cell phone while at lunch that they hooked my dad up to another IV today at an appointment he had and his blood pressure was dropping and he was disoriented, so they want to admnit him this afternoon. Not sure what caused the blood pressue drop. he actual ate very well yesterday and had some juices and some dole fruit bars. Keep you posted once i get more info

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I guess they are going back and forth now. (i think my dad does not want to stay) and they are checking his kidney functions. I guess they were all off. They said maybe if they can get a nurse to come over the weekend to their house to hook him up to IV's then maybe they would release him. I think he should just stay if it is a question.

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nope they admitted him. Heading over there from work. I was suppose to go over and sleep over there house anyway tongiht. I needed to do laundry haha and since this weekend is suppose to be nice (for us bostonians at least..40's and 50's is very warm) i wanted to have the freedom to go out and enjoy it. so i planned on having a little sleep over with my mom and having wine and watching movies since her week was hectic. Got a little more hectic but this will be better for him.

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Sorry to hear about your dad.

It's hard when they have to stay in the hospital but he will get the care he needs. Not that you and your mom couldn't do it, but you know what I mean.

Hopefully he'll be home soon.

Of course I will say a prayer.


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Hey Karma;

My thoughts and prayers will be with you, your dad and your mom. Sounds like he's a real fighter. Hang in there! :lol:

God Bless & be well

Bobmc- NSCLC - stage IIB - left pneumonectomy 5/2/01

"absolutely insist on enjoying life today"

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Hi Karma,

If your Dads counts are off then thats the best place for him. My Mom kept going there daily for IV's and I felt like "man why don't they just keep her there till she feels better!" I think it is better, really do! :roll: S__cks though! I will pray that he gets better real soon!


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Yeah he seems ok. Up normal, good coloring not gray like he was the other day. I guess earlier today when they hooked him up to his first IV (he was on his 3rd when I was there) he was nodding off and sliding in his wheel chair so the nurse did his blood pressure and it was 70/50. So that wasn't cool they think he may have an infection. They are checking on everything. I guess he threw up this am and didn't tell my mom and had diarrhea for the past couple of days again did not tell my mom and his kidneys were all off on their functioning. So he is there and he was mad he had to stay but I think he knows it is good for him. He ate very well so that is good too. It was funny cause when I got there my dad is like Janine go get me candy and my mom was like I have no idea if you can have it...you should have SEEN the death stare he gave her. Haha I laughed out loud I was like Jesus dad!!! Then the nurse came in and she said ok but only a small amount. All he wanted was some mentos. So went down and got him some. It was so funny though cause he was so mad my mom was monitoring him like that. I was like Dad she can't just give it to you without asking for god sakes.

Again thank you for all your well wishing it is great! I will keep you posted on all of it.

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Oh, boy. When I read your first post my heart went up into my mouth, but your succeeding messages were more reassuring. You can definitely tell that you and your feisty dad are related. A little candy with a wine chaser sounds good to me! Hang in there.

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