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2 years ago today


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2 years ago today, it was a heavy rainny day "Black Rain" was hosted and the weather was just best described our heart...heavy rain heavy tears and sorrow inside our heart. A group of family members, relatives, your ex-colleagues, my friends and pastor were in cementary. You were buried 2 years ago today...I can't believe it happened just 2 years ago, feels like it was happened very long time ago. My sorrow and grief is lessen...but still if you were here today, how good it would be!

A passage from the Chicken Soup for grieving soul, the poem is really true :

When someone dies, you don't get over it by forgetting; you get over it by remembering, and you are aware that no person is ever truly lost or gone once they have been in our life and loved us, as we have loved them. (Leslie Marmon Silko).

Dad, my pain is getting less because I always remember you, my pain is lessen not because I start to forget you, you are never lost or gone my dear Dad!

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I can't believe it's been two years for you... Your words also very much encouraged me--As I said elsewhere I'm afraid of getting done with the hurting. But the idea of remembering to lessen the pain... That makes sense to my heart.

You always say just the thing to make me see things a new way and feel a little better.

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It has been 5 years since I lost my Dad, I keep wanting the phone to ring and it is him asking how am

I doing. I was his shadow he taught me saw, hammer, change oil and he took me on his errands. Good memories of Dad.


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Dear Berisa, what a beautiful tribute you wrote for your Dad. I lost both my parents to cancer (my father just months ago) and your message hit home. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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