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It seems we finally have Dad's pain under control. He's taking oxycontin and percocet's for breakthrough pain. Once we tweaked the amount of percocet needed and when it was taken, relief was almost immediate. Hopefully with the addition of the oxycontin, which will take 24 hours or so to get fully in his system, he will need less of the percocet. It's amazing the dramatic change that took place in my Dad once the pain was under control. He's looking and sounding like his old self again. Hallelujah!!

God Bless. Much Love,

Hi Everyone,

Dad has been having a rough time of it the last month and half or so. His last two chemo treatments (which finished the first line) took nearly a month to recover from and just as he was starting to feel somewhat better, he developed a pain in his left shoulder/rib area which has gotten progressively worse over the last two weeks. Shortly after, the pain also developed in his left leg. The pain is really wearing him down and despite numerous visits to the GP, we've yet to hit on any medication which offers any relief to him at all. Dad has a bone scan scheduled for Thursday and although the last bone scan in December didn't show any trouble spots in those particular areas, if it is new mets, I guess we will be discussing radiation. In the meantime though, he needs something that will at least make him comfortable as possible. We are seeing his GP again tomorrow and I will ask about the Fentanyl patch. I'm thinking that is the one that has been discussed here before? Everything I've read about it though seems to suggest that a patient goes from morphine to the patch?? The Doctor hasn't prescribed morphine and I'm wondering if she will even prescribe the patch prior to a confirmation of a bone met(s) because I've read that it is indicated only for surgery pain or cancer pain. Any suggestions or ideas on what I should be looking into for pain relief would be greatly appreciated. Maybe there is something better then the patch? It is heartbreaking and so very frustrating to watch our loved ones suffering, as you all know only to well.

Peace and Love,



I started on Vicodin - which helped for a while. Then I was switched to ms-contin (morphine sulfate).

Between the 2 I managed to keep reasonably pain free until I had radiation and saw mprovement.

You should insist that the doctor provide something stronger. There's no reason to be in pain.

We also discussed the Fentanyl patch - which he gave me should I need them. The problem is the take a few days to work and many peoiple get sick from them.

I was lucky to not need them at least not so far.

Good luck.



other thant the OIxys and Morphine I can not help but can offer if you want some Links Look for Sticky in New Meds and Clinical Trials for Pain Management. Good Luck I do hope and pray you find some answers to these questions


The pain areas may well be bone mets and can be treated with radiation. My wife has gone through numerous bone met treatments with radiation. She is on permanent morphine because of spinal damage, but also takes breakthrough morphine or Norco when she needs it. Lately, she has not had to take much of that. Hope your dad gets some relief soon. Don


I too would ask about the duragesic patch -Fentanyl. My Dad has mets to the left hummeral head and the left ribs and Fentanyl has been a god send!!! He was mildly allergic to morphine, it broke him out in a rash, and really did very little to control the pain. Dad has progressed from 25MCG patches to now using 100MCG patches over the last few months without any problem and they do work wonders for him. When the first patch is placed on the skin it does take about 18 hours for the "full effect" of the drug to kick in -- but there after all seems to go well. We do notice a slight decrease in the amount of pain relief that Dad gets on day 3 (his 'script is for replacement every 72 hours) but a bit of oxycotin seems to help with the "breakthrough pain" until a new patch is applied.

Don't be afraid to ask for pain relief meds... the body will only tolerate so much pain before it begins to create reactions to the pain. The doctor will do what is necessary to manage the pain effectively.

I understand your pain/frustration with this issue! By far this is the hardest part for me personally -watching the immense pain and knowing there is nothing (or next to nothing) that you can do to help is SOOOO very hard!!

Prayers to you all..may the pain be controlled quickly and effectively.


My mom was the same as cindy's dad -- had great results with patches..although we changed them every 60 hours -- she was up to 200mg and not too "whacky" -- she couldn't tolerate morphine orally, but could when it was in the pump to the blood stream. She also used the suckers for breakthrough pain.

She was on vicodin/lortab for a long while, yet she developed a stomach ulcer from taking those as well as so much anti-inflammatory stuff. the steriods also did wonders for her pain.

DEMAND pain control - watching my mom in pain until we got it under control was by far the worst thing for all of us. Once she got the morphine pump -- she said "I actually feel normal."




I have no advice, but wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your dad. I pray for your dad's renewed strength and peace from pain.


my father had the pain on his side/ribs for about a month and the patch did not work. After going to the hospital and having an xray which came back negative, we went back about two weeks later to find out that had pleural effusion and emphyema (not sure i am spelling it correctly). they placed a tube in and trained for 8 days and he was given antibotics and was fine. How long has he had the pain? Does he have a fever? Have they taken an xray? Is he eating?



It seems we finally have Dad's pain under control. He's taking oxycontin and percocet's for breakthrough pain. Once we tweaked the amount of percocet needed and when it was taken, relief was almost immediate. Hopefully with the addition of the oxycontin, which will take 24 hours or so to get fully in his system, he will need less of the percocet. It's amazing the dramatic change that took place in my Dad once the pain was under control. He's looking and sounding like his old self again. Hallelujah!!

God Bless. Much Love,


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