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Prayers and Crossed Fingers


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Tim is having a CT scan tomorrow on his chest and abdomen. He has had his 2nd round of chemo and it's time to see how things look. His stomach has been bothering him also. He always feels full and has no appetite. He had put on 10 lbs, slowly, since his lung surgery and last week he lost 4 of them. It sure comes off quicker than it goes on! We asked if they could scan his stomach, just in case, and they agreed. I have read the posts of too many people who wish they could go back in time and have a test done. Don't want to make that mistake.

On Tuesday, the 9th, he is having surgery to repair his vocal cord. When his lung was removed, they had to remove the nerve to his left vocal cord and it left the cord paralyzed. His voice is raspy. breathy and weak. They will fix the problem by moving the left cord over so it meets the right one when he talks. I didn't even know that's how vocal cords worked!

So keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Keep your fingers crossed that everything comes out OK. Sure hate waiting for the scan results...pure torture. Thanks everybody.


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