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ct scan


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Hi I have my first ct scan coming up next wednesday I have not smoked in over a year xray showed a mass upper right lobe old xray from seven years ago shows same mass but much less pronounced dr thinks I am ok call me a wimp but I'm still nervous about what may be found with a ct scan. I think I am scared because my best friends mother has lung cancer she is doing ok after three years from diagnosis I also have a friend who just passed away from liver cancer fourteen days from diagnosis to death anyhow I'm just scared and I really have to give everyone on this forum credit for dealing with this disease if any one wants someone to talk with I'm here for you.


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Having scans and waiting for results is always a little scary. If it is the same size as before on the x-ray then it shows no growth it may be scar tissue. It does no good to worry about it or anything for that matter. A verse that comes to mind that is really true is:

Mathew 6:27

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

Do some fun things and keep your mind off of it. Keep us posted.

Stay positive, :lol:


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Hi Rob, welcome to this site. I hope the CT scan brings you some good news and a sigh of relief.

I had a ct scan for something else and they found my cancer by accident. I remember being very annoyed. I was grumpy when I went to see my pulmonogist. I can't say that I have been really scared in my cancer trip (probably because my cancers have always been contained), but I have been very depressed, anxious (scan time), angry, sad, annoyed and incredulous. I also have had feelings of contentment, at easement and I enjoy being retired.

Don M

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It is normal to be scared and anxious. I go for a chest x-ray every 3 month and a ctscan every year and am a nervous wreck everytime until I get the results. So far, a year and one half after surgery they have all been fine but the fear is and always will be there. SO you are quite normal. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Bill in PA

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I'm just nervous my ct scan is upcoming on wednesday I agree that if my doctor really felt it urgent he wouldn't have waited a week to get my blood test results back which were all good and would have asked me to get a ct scan immediately instead of within the month. For today and toomrrow I will enjoy being in ft lauderdale with my girlfriend and parents. Anyhow thanks everyone for all of your support it really does mean alot.


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