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NO mets, just CELLS????


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Hi Joan,

During an MRI it was discovered that my mother had mets in the lining of her brain. The doctor said it wasn't actually a tumor by definition. Since she had already received WBR she wasn't a candidate for chemo. Her radiologist treated her with radiosurgery using the Novalis machine.

Hope this helps. Wishing you the best.


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I realized that I had not updated with what I decided with this little mess.

Well, Monday, I did start WBR treatments. There will be 10 treatments, getting Christmas and New Years off.

They are fast and easy, just hopefully will work. I wake up everyday looking for any symptoms. So far, so good. I know they are commulative, but need to take care of this for now and worry about everything else later.

Wishing everyone here a wonderful holiday season.


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