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Mall of America for Breast Cancer

Donna G

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Forgive me but I am so jealous!!!!!!! Our group here in Minnesota looked into having an event in November for lung cancer awareness and at the Mall of America . We were told we needed a major backer to do so , as Channel 5 news or something. Other malls all told us in November they had to " cater to their Christmas shoppers" . Recently as it is October, another month for breast cancer all I hear about is how the Mall of America is gearing up for breast cancer, they even kicked off the event by lighting up the outside with pink lights. It has been mentioned on all the news segments for a week. Yesterday they said "breast cancer is the leading cancer killer of women between the ages of 35 and 45" They could not say it was the leading cancer killer of women because we all know it is not but they never mentioned what is. They are selling raffle tickets to win a house they put at Mall. How did they get so organized? Why can't we get that organized? Look at


When , how, where, will we get this going for lung cancer? It is needed so badly. Donna G

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Maybe it's because there are MORE actual survivors of the disease "Breast Cancer" than there are of this disease...

As for the organization, maybe we need to make a plan and GET organized... For one, making available to people like your "Channel 5" the statistics on what IS the #1 cancer killer of women (and men), basically, the home page of this site. All the research that went into the numbers of what is spent on breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc., and what is set aside for lung cancer...

Maybe "WE", the people who frequent this site, could formulate a letter sent to OUR local media with strong numbers and a "request" from the "silent minority"... WE could set forth how unacceptable it is that someone dies of this disease every (I'm not sure on this number) 3.5 minutes and not nearly enough is being done to research a cure for it.

Rick and Estrea have gotten us this far, brought us together from so many corners of the WORLD, I think this is the next step. WE, as survivors, are now aware that there are SO MANY people "just like us", don't you think it's time other people were aware? Aware of the odds, aware of the numbers, aware of the possible causes; aware that there are more "at risk" behaviors than smoking?

Any suggestions?

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Hello! I feel the same exact way!! In the news here all I keep seeing are "The Dennison Building (a huge court/federal building on long island) has been lit up in PINK for Breast cancer awareness...officials attended the 'lighting ceremony' (are you kidding?) and others are following suit to bring awareness to the problem of breast cancer-a disease that kills..blah blah). So now all of these buildings are joining in and lighting up PINK.

Now, I have nothing but the greatest respect for those that have battled, will battle and have lost the battle to breast cancer. But I am sick of hearing that they need more awareness about it!!! There seems to be CONSTANTLY some type of donation from one major company or another (ie. 'a portion of the proceeds will go to the fight against breast cancer') and articles in magazines, and 'walk-a-thons' and fundrasing benefits in the people/entertainment section of the newspaper with celebrities "fighting for the cause"....and in the next breath they are saying how people need to be made AWARE of breast cancer!

What gives? I always thought that you need to be made aware about things that you never hear about, about things that are NOT GIVEN THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE! About things that are swept under the rug; expounged from the consiousness of society...I always thought that you needed to be made aware about INJUSTICES AND TRADGIDIES THAT NOONE TALKS ABOUT, ABOUT SUFFERING THAT IS IGNORED!!!

Sorry to go off on a rant, but it is very frustrating.

Its time to get organized. I'm game.


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Well first of all Donna, it's a major foundation with lots of money and paid employees doing all the work. Remember the saying, "it takes money to make money?" All you have to do is click and you can make a donation, how much easier could they make it? We don't have paid marketing people and advertising firms working for us. It's done well because it was someone's job, it's our lives not our job.

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We don't have anyone paid to work with us, but I think an inventory of "us" would show that there are people with those talents who are touched by this disease and might be willing to "donate" some time toward awareness...

The "point & click" donation is something that would have to be organized with whomever the donations should be sent to (research needed there, the ALA or the ACS or both or another organization?). If it meant access to more research dollars, a partnership could probably be formed...

The pink ribbon was designed for breast cancer awareness, what would work for lung cancer? (Air is invisible - or should be...) A feather, maybe? Moves when ya breathe on it... A black letter "O", for oxygen and lack thereof?

It's not like postage needs to be paid (and another 3 cents to breast cancer with every pink ribbon stamp purchased...) to notify local stations, most TV and radio stations have websites now and email.

My suggestion would be to first figure out where the money needs to go and approach that organization for support... Then, make sure all the numbers we have are correct (pertaining to odds, money spent on other cancers, etc.)... We may want to come up with a symbol (and I KNOW there are artists like JudyB and her daughter and you, Ry, that could work on models to "vote" on).. Then, work on emailing a form letter to local networks, state politicians, national politicians, etc., and spread the word. Lots of leg work, lots of research....

Something to focus on for those of us needing to "do something"....

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Around here not only can you buy stamps that donate to the breast cancer cure cause, but Yogurt, hamburgers, makeup, jewelry, etc etc etc.

Unless there is a BIG CHANGE I would not donate money to the American Cancer Society for lung cancer or to the American Lung [b]Association[/b] . Sad to say they are not concerned about getting a cure for lung cancer. They would spend the money on some other cancer . The only thing they will do for lung cancer is preach that you should quit smoking. Hellooooooo 111111111111111 We already know that. If that is all thay want to do, I wish they would go after the TV and Movie producers and ban them from having the characters smoke. I could not believe the the new Whoopi show started out with her making fun of the law re no smoking in buildings!! She has a butt in her mouth pays a fine and decides since she paid the fine already , she might as well go back inside and smoke. Boy people , don't you think that is really funny!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so stupid. I bet the tobacco companys paid a good amount of money to get that in the show. Well back to the subject. Where is good research going on????? Here we know that there are doctors at the University of Minnesota , who need funding that really want to find a cure, treatment, less invasive surgery, screening tools. Who else knows who is doing the lastest and the greatest research?

By the way the ribbon picked by ALCASE is clear with a gold stipe.

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I too see a lot about breast cancer and wonder the same thing myself. Correct me if I'm wrong but I've been researching clinical trials and it seems that lung cancer has the most trials going on for cancer right now...that's good news... I try to keep telling myself that, so that I don't get discouraged. I've been noticing lately ads about the "Circle of Life" Who is that actress that is doing the "Circle of Life" for lung cancer? Maybe she can bring more awareness. Jessica Simpson is also doing the "Circle of Life" too. Maybe this is a start.

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Sorry but the "Circle of Life" looks like a religion, like Christian Scientist, not like any new break through for lung cancer. If that is your faith, fine . I pray to my Lord also and many times he answers with people right here who have been given gifts for study, and knowledge. I pray that he inspires the gifted people to step up to the plate and raise awareness for lung cancer , those with gift for raising money to do so.

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No, that's not what I'm talking about! That link was not from me! It's in People magazine and other magazine's where the two celebrities are trying to get people to stop smoking. It's a woman that looks like Deon Warwick and she lost her sister to Lung Cancer and there's another ad with Jessica Simpson. I'm helping my mom fight this...so I'm not into that website either. "Oops I think it's called Circle of Friends." or Circle of Hope...someone please help me out here. :shock:

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I really think that we need to also work on the stigma of lung cancer too. Many people still believe that ONLY people who smoke get lung cancer as if you "asked for it." Those of us who have it, know someone with it etc. Know that many, many folks get lung cancer who never smoked ever and many quit years before their diagnosis. We also know that no one deserves any kind of disease. (they would never tell a diabetic that they asked for it by eating too much sugar).I just get really frustrated. When I was diagnosed and called the cancer society she kept telling me all about Breast cancer support groups but nothing for lung cancer. As I've said before I've had 3 chest surgeries, broken ribs etc. with huge scars. This has caused me to have considerable damage done to my left side and breast. My left breast is much smaller and looks terrible BUT I'm not covered for any type of cosmetic surgery because I didn't have breast cancer. If I would have had breast cancer than I could have pratically anything down to lift them, rebuild them etc. It drives me crazy! It's cancer whether breast, skin, prostate, or lung.

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I'm searching.... all I found on Circle of Hope is 9/11 tributes, etc. Circle of Friends list Superman and Spinal Cord Injuries - and the top article in one of the search results was titled "Marijuana Smoke Doesn't Cause Lung Cancer"...

Still looking...

Currently browsing THIS site:


There's an article on the homepage regarding raising awareness....

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No we never did find a site for the event. Connie has not given up on us though. We had decided to raise money for the Uof M by participating in an event at a store called Heirbegers (?sp) . Connie just emailed me today asking if we would be willing to set up a table at local hospital or clinic. I did that for the month of November where I work , just outside the cafeteria. I had to restock the tables every day. Needless to say I just emailed Connie that I still have my three poster boards, my info book has grown to 3 books ( 4inch 3 ring binders) and I still have some more stock of info I got from Alcase and others. I am ready. Now I wish I had a new shirt to wear. I have 4 now I think. The new one will say

.......]Lung Cancer kills 65,000 women a year

..............................; and 89,200 men............[/

........... Breast cancer kills 39,000 women and 400 men.................

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On your shirt, I would suggest not just putting the tagline of breast cancer, list some of the other more "commonly heard of" diseases, like prostate cancer, melanoma, etc. I think from what I read on the homepage of this site that lung cancer kills more than the others combined. That's really more shocking than just comparing to breast cancer...and doesn't single out a "campaign" that's more successful than anything for lung cancer so far...

Still looking for a "Circle" involved with lung cancer awareness....ending up scanning through all the "grim statistics" again... :roll:

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Here you go! http://www.join-the-circle.org/. I read through the website and found it very informative. Not meaning to bring any negative thoughts to the board, but while the website is informative and gives some very good stats on why quitting is good for your health, I think they would have made a stronger statement if they also listed the other stats out there. The ones we all choose to ignore, but know in our hearts. I am perhaps the most naive person on the face of the earth :oops: , but I had no idea before my mom was diagnosed how deadly lung cancer was. I mean, I knew her smoking was bad for her health and there are the warnings on the cigarette packages, but let's face it, the real message out there about smoking is that it is ''cool'', as portrayed so frequently by the media. I will continue to believe my mother is going to defy the odds and will always be proud of her that she quit smoking 5 years ago (after 30 years of my begging :shock: ). I just wonder had we truly been made aware of how deadly it can be, might she been so scared that she would have stopped sooner?

You are all in my thoughts and prayers each evening. My friends worry when I tell them how much I read the board and when I tell them of our friends that have passed. I would not want to be anywhere else, because for each story that is both sad and heartbreaking, there is another of hope and support. It makes this journey a little easier knowing there are people out there who truly understand what I am going through.

God Bless

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OK I could add ( in 2002)

....Prostrate cancer...... kills...30,000 men and 0 women....

Colon cancer..... kills.......23,100 men and 25,000 women

In 1995 HIV killed 27,000 men and 5,000 women.

By the way did you notice I have a lung cancer awareness tee shirt on in my picture?

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Donna and all...

I too feel like you all do and really want to do something to change people's thinking. My question to myself is, what?

I wanted to ask if anyone saw the show ER last week?? In the opening episode one of the resident doctors is jealous of a new resident. So when she walked in on her examining a patient, she asked her questions starting with..."What's the #1 killer among cancers?". The new doctor said either breast or prostrate and the other woman answered "Lung". I was pretty impressed that this was actually on the show and wondered if it was "purposely" used by one of the writers to educate. I found it interesting.


47 years old

Stage 1a-nsclc

surgery June 16, 2001- mid & upper lobe removed

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