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Relay for Life Banner


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I know this is kind of minor in the scheme of things, but I have a Relay for Life team for the American Cancer Society. The team name is Healthy Lungs and we're supposed to have a banner for the event in two weeks. I'm a little creatively challenged and wondered if anyone had any ideas.

I've thought of either doing something totally Lung Cancer educational, but not sure what or having my son's preschool class help with it, but not sure what theme to do for that either.

My other obstacle is the clear color for Lung Cancer. I understand why that's the color, but it's making my project a bit difficult.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd really appreciate it.



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My Ribbon from Lungevity is Purple with white trim. Let kids no a big outdoor mural for Clean air and healthy lungs!! My suggestion.

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What about something like ...

Take a Deep Breath for the American Cancer Society?

...with Deep Breath being in a unique font or something. I do some computer graphic stuff (very simple) if you are interested in anything I can draw it up in a simple program like Word and you can take it somewhere to be enlarged. Let me know! It is something I enjoy!


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I love the idea of the pre schoolers doing it. Freash air, clouds, rainbows,stick people and animals. Our enviorment is one of the things that causes cancer. Plus the

"Breath Deep" through the center. Can you get a bunch of the little one's to carry it? Perhaps an adult on each end and the little one's in the middle.

What an attention getter!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to thank you all for your suggestions and ideas. Our banner and booth turned out great. I think it was the best one there, but I might be biased. My son and I did the banner. It just said "Healthy Lungs" which was our team name. We used stencils and outlined the letters in purple with the middles white, like the ribbons for our cars. Then we decorated it with trees, rainbows, clouds, flowers, stick people, ponds, and fish. Our booth was covered in artwork made by kids too, all of the same sort of stuff. Some of the kids wrote inspirational sayings on their work. (I'm glad I have a lot of Mom and Teacher friends!). I also made some clouds and inter-mixed them in with different lung cancer facts written on them. I was asked to speak at the last minute as a survivor. I got through it without crying and I'm told I did a good job - my family wouldn't lie to me would they?

Thanks again for the ideas and inspiration.


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I am glad to hear that you had a great experience with Relay for Life. My family and I are doing one in June. Our theme is "dreaming of a cure" and our focus will be on lung cancer with a few others thrown in too( we have had throat cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, and brain cancer). If you can give me any advice on how to make things run smoothly please let me know. I am so excited to be doing this and I want it to be a good experience for my family as well.

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