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Officially saying hello


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My Dad was recently diagnosed with NSCLC. Finally having the courage to officially post his history in my signature. Somehow this terrifies me, but your signatures have all helped me incredibly throughout this whole ordeal...and I hope my Dad's story can help others too.

Thanks so much for this board. It's been my constant in all the uncertainty.



2007.03.06 Dad returns home after 14 hour flight. Experiences severe SOB at airport and can't make it to get his baggage. Customs gives him first class treatment...clears him immediately...Dad is chauffered out on a stretcher to the nearest hospital. Can make his connecting flight to Toronto.

2007.03 Dad in hospital for +7 days while docs run tests. Checking first for T.B., pneumonia, blood clots. Dx is blood clots from the long flight. Given blood-thinners in addition to his usual high-blood pressure medication and acid-reflux medication. 2 weeks later, Dad starts coughing. Can't keep food down, loses appetite.

2007.04 Dad returns to Toronto. SOB. Taken to emergency room. Doctors in general hospital spend 3 weeks examining Dad. Start the same search for TB (1week) then pneumonia (2 weeks), then benign lesions (3 weeks). Growing frustration with hospital's "compartmentalization."

2007.05.01 Dad finally diagnosed. Dx NSCLC Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma with BAC features w/ evidence of bilateral pleural effusion with mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy. One 2.5x2.5x2.5 tumor in left lower lobe. One 2.5x2.0x2.0 "spiculated nodular opacity" in right lung. No brain mets. Possible mets to liver, bone.

2007.05.07 Begins 150mg Tarceva only. Considered to thin for traditional chemo. Appt. in 3 weeks. Wishing the cancer would take a long holiday and long weekends everytime the doctor's do. Symptom relief almost immediately. Coughing up mucous almost gone. Wheezing increasingly gone. Finally keeping food down!!!

2007.05.15 Wheezing back again. Night of throwing up food again. Dad's spirit and strength is as incredible as ever. He is teaching us all how to LIVE. Never complains, doesn't doubt, wants to talk about more than his illness.

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Hi Yirol and welcome. I've already read your superb post regarding palliative care and look forward to further posts from you. As you've already discovered there are an amazing number of folks here ready & able to help answer questions and provide support. Good Luck & God Bless


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I am sure I have posted in another forum, but I wanted you to get a hearty welcome. Please know we are here for you...it does take courage to post the "story" of our loved ones, who have been plagued with this disease...know we are here for you...


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Thanks, Everybody!!!

SherryNeedsToLaugh, isn't it illegal for your employers to threaten you like this because of your cancer? You so don't need this pressure on top of everything else. Has anyone else here dealt with this issue?

It's raining here, and I love it. Call me crazy, but I've always found the rain to be a sign of hope, growth, life, possibility. I wish all of these for everyone here.


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Welcome Yirol,

I just want to welcome you to our family and say that I think it's great that your dad has such a wonderful fighting spirit. Hope the Tarceva will work. In the meantime, if he can drink them, Ensure and or Boost are a great way to get down nutrition. Know that we are here for you.


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Welcome Yirol,

I myself am new here as well, but everyone here is so very kind and helpful. My father was diagnoised with stage IV colon cancer last June 2006 at the age of 48, the docs wanted to just give him meds to keep him comfortable, but I fought for him to receive treatment. His cancer markers were at 668 last June. It was a long hard road, not the first to be traveled down, nor the last, but as of May 1, 2007, his cancer markers are at 9.2, and they declared him in remission. My point, please don't give up. There is hope, just keep praying. Miracles really do happen. My prayers are with you and your father.


I love the rain too. I feel the same as you do about the peaceful, cleansing, calmness of it.:wink: Take Care, and God Bless.

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