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Introducing myself . .


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Hello, I am a 64 year old female. I've lived in Toronto 42 years, was born in New York City. I have a daughter and a four year old Grandaughter.

Was diagnosed in June. I have a 1.4cm tumor in left lung and a small abnormality in my right lung. In order to get staged, etc. - I've had Neddle Biopsy, CT Chest& Abdomen Scan, Bone Scan, a Pulmonary Function test with ABG's and an MRI [head] scan.

Tomorrow, July 11th, I meet with the Doctor who heads the team at the Hospital. This will be our first meeting.

Many thanks, and best wishes to all.


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Welcome Suebee-

Take lots of notes at the first meeting with the doctor or tape it. Let us know what they say about your stage and treatment. There are many of us here to help you with all the questions you will have. I know this is scary in the beginning.

I'm glad you found us~


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Wecome Sue

Agree with Ry on taking notes. My wife and I found that a mini taperecorder worked great since there was so much info and things going on we found it was much easier to review from the tape. It was amazing how much we DIDN'T hear.

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Hi Sue. welcome. You have gotten some good advice on organization. Maybe you are headed for an operation with intent to cure since they gave you the pulmonary tests. Take good notes and good luck.

You know, I always had a second person with me at consultations. I researched everything I could find about my cancer and I had a list of questions. I kind of put myself in the space of an observer talking to the doctor about my cancer as if we were both being objective. For me, learning all I could about my cancer and its treatment was a way for me to stay focused. Others may not want to deal with it that way.

If you do go to web sites to rad about it, ignore the statistics.

Don M

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You have gotten good advice here on your meeting with your doctor. If you can think of any questions now-no matter what they are, write them down so that you can have them to ask the doctor when you meet. It is also a good idea to take someone else with you, just to have another set of ears hearing and understanding. I will be praying for you.


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Good luck! You will find a lot of support here. As others have advised, at the beginning I too would always take another "pair of ears" with me to a Dr. appt. I still make a list of questions when I have an appt. even now.

Please keep us posted.


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