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We had an onc. appt. today. Rod had the bone scan and xray on his leg last Fri. One showed cancer, one didn't show cancer so an MRI will be done Mon. Today he didn't have chemo because of infection/fungus in feet and sinus infection. I have been so down this week. I did finally sleep two nights without sleeping pills, am still not eating right. I just HATE seeing him go downhill. Today at the dr. office when we were alone, he said that he thought they would find out what is wrong, fix it and life would go on. He said that isn't happening. I said the word "die" for the first time. I said, "I just don't want you to die". He said something to the effect that "it might happen". Geez, I have been dragged out of denial kicking and screaming. So has he. While he was having his ct scan for his sinus infection/brain, I had a therapy appt. I cried and swore and carried on. It felt good.

Has anyone heard that a sinus infection has to be dx'd with a ct scan? To be sure there isn't a tumor or something maybe??? That sounded weird, but our onc. has not been sneaky with us EVER.

Sorry to be so crabby. I am filled with Hate for cancer.


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Rod is being treated in Lincoln. We use St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center for his scans etc. and Nebraska Hematology and Oncology is where Dr. Hutchins is.

They are all so good and have good reputations. Except for Jennifer the xray tech. :?


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I hope it is just a sinus infection.

I have occasional conversations about death and dying with my wife and kids and myself. I kind of stand in a space now where I can accept either one, but obviously I want to live. I don’t get so wrought up any more at the prospect of dying and I get lighthearted when things look bright, like having a stable scan..

Don m

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Hoping for a sinus infection -- which are hellish in themselves! Ouch! Otherwise, a good cry and some honest discussion aren't bad things. I wish Tony had talked more about eventualities, but dying wasn't on his agenda. I feel for you and understand. As spouses, we are along for the ride to insure the best care and honor whatever way they want to handle things. (Sometimes it does produce the kicking and screaming effect! :shock: ) My favorite mental image of myself was running down the street, screaming at the top of my lungs, and tearing my hair out in frustration over what this disease does to our loved ones. I had many of those times, so don't feel bad when you need to do whatever it takes to vent and get the anger/sadness out of your system. You need to take care of yourself too. If you need to talk, I'm here.



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A huge THANK YOU and {{{{{{HUUUUUGS}}}}}} to all of you. Your kind words, information and caring plus a good nights sleep made me feel like getting up, getting on with kicking cancer b_ _ _!

Thursdays are definitely my least favorite day (chemo, results days) but then the sun comes up on a day that isn't Thursday... :)

Thanks again for being here.


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