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Scared and confused

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Hi my name is Lisa I am 40 yrs old and from Massachusetts. Two days ago my 61 yr. old mother was diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastis to the brain and bone. I am so confused with all the medical information being thrown at me and I cant seem to understand what it all means for my mom. I guess I just need some one to talk to that has been through what I am going through. I am having trouble functioning and am getting obsessed with whats to come. Tomorrow (my bday) we will find out stage and type. Thanks for listening.

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Hi Lisa,

Sorry you have to be here but glad you found us. Great place for sharing, caring and support. It's a lot to take in and is overwhelming at first but many here to help you through the journey. Stay with us and keep us posted. Prayers for the best.


PS: I'm from Massachusetts (just ten miles North of Boston) if you need someone to talk to just PM anytime.

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Breathe in and Breathe out first of all DEEPLY!!!! Its gonna be ok. You are in agood place for help and support. Look through the good news forum and also the survivor forums for some inspirational stories first of all. Second let us know tomorrow how things go at onc 's office. Third get Richs number on speed dial He is an awesome guy to have in your corner and close by!!

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"auntielee68" ...I am so confused with all the medical information being thrown at me and I cant seem to understand what it all means for my mom.

Hi, Lisa, welcome! As you read through the posts here you might get the impression that most of us have advanced medical degrees or were born with silver stethoscopes around our little necks! Not so -- we were as overwhelmed as you at the beginning, but everyone in our position (that includes you now) learns the concepts and jargon faster than ever thought possible.

Please be sure that whoever (preferably you) goes to the appointment with your mom is prepared to take notes. Even then, it's easy to miss something since the terminology will be unfamiliar, so it's a great idea to take a small tape or digital recorder with you. I've never heard of a doctor objecting, and it will give you something to review later when things start to make a little more sense.

Let us know how it goes, and we'll try to help with perspective on some of the information you may be given. Best wishes and Aloha to you and your mom,


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Welcome from a fellow Lisa and daughter who's mom has lung cancer. I know how scary this all is. It seems that it's easy for us to say take it one day at a time, but honestly that's all we can do. As Ned said, be sure some one goes along to the appt and takes notes - I have found this so helpful. I also keep a calendar of my mom's appointments and some times how she's feeling if it's out of the ordinary. Take a deep breath. Know we are all here for you. Let us know how tomorrow goes.

Hugs and prayers,


P.S. Happy Birthday tomorrow.

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Lisa -

Welcome - but sorry you and your mom need to be here. I only wish I had found this forum when I first started on this journey.

As everyone else has said, the beginning is terribly scary. You are scared, your mom is scared, you really are going strictly on adrenal. But once you have a treatment plan in place, it does get easier. I agree with Ned - take notes, bring a tape recorder - and take the time to write down questions you want answered before you get there so you won't forget to ask them. And - most importantly - DO NOT listen to statistics. You will find once you get to know most of us, that statistics are old and outdated. You may also want to ask the doc about getting your mom some anti-anxiety meds.

Please let us know how tomorrows appt goes. We will be here for the both of you. Ask questions, cry, vent to us - whatever we can do to help you, we will.

Your mom is one lucky lady to have you by her side.

Hugs to you both - Patti B.

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Welcome Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear that your mom has been diagnoses with LC, but so glad you have found us. My mom was DX 14 months ago and is doing well. The people on this board have been responsible for the fact that I am still sane(well,mostly)am hopeful about the future with my mom. There are wonderful people here who will answer any question you have or let you vent when needed. We will be here for you.


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I was born and grew up in Massachusetts, Lynn to be exact. Don't miss the cold and snow but do miss the change in the seasons. I now live in southern Florida.

"dadstimeon"]Hi Lisa,

Sorry you have to be here but glad you found us. Great place for sharing, caring and support. It's a lot to take in and is overwhelming at first but many here to help you through the journey. Stay with us and keep us posted. Prayers for the best.


PS: I'm from Massachusetts (just ten miles North of Boston) if you need someone to talk to just PM anytime.

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