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Getting to Know You - May 20


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I live in the same area as Sharon, and I would say it's been more like rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain...lol. I am concerned it won't stop, and considering building an Ark. Given the fires and tornadoes I'm seeing elsewhere, I'm not sure I should be complaining though.

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Here in Palm Bay, we finally got about 30 drops of rain today!!! It's so dry that my grass just crunches when you walk on it. We haven't mowed the lawn in weeks, for fear that the sun will really parch the roots then. Think you gals can send some of those rain drops down our way?

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It was smokin' hot here in Victoria over the weekend. Above normal for us at this time of year. I am not good at converting from celsuis to farenheit....but I think we probably got close to 90 on both Sat and Sun. Burnt my poor head...got to be more careful recovering from baldness! A bit cooler today...sunny but breezy.

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Here in se Virginia, we have had very bazaar weather. It seems we have had several bouts of severe storms. We've had lots of rain, wind, tornadoes, hail and temps on average in the 70's. I lost a huge American Elm tree last week (to the tune of $2595 for removal). Fortunately , the only damage it did was to crush my chain link fence. We had more storms today with hail up to quarter size, winds etc. This severe stuff is really getting scary.


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Here in Redding California it has be very unusual. We are used to very high temperatures in mid summer but we got hit early. Saturday was 106 officially on our pation downstairs where the sun reflects off the cement the thermometor read 120. It was also over 100 the two days before that and again on Monday. Today we are windy and temperature down in the 80s. Biggest problem here is lack of rain. Sense mid February we have had less than one inch of rain. May marks the end of the rainly season so chances of any measurable rain before October is almost zero.

My question is do you think this is all because of global warming? If so what do you think should be done about it. Do you think we as individuals can really do anything to slow this down?

I really dread the huricane season for all of my friends in Florida and my family on the Gulf Coast and in North Carolina. I have already had some very nervous days about my friends and familly in Arkansas, Missouri and Louisiana

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