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Yeah Baby!!!


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Thanks everybody. This has been a crazy couple of weeks.

When I heard the great news this afternoon I was ecstatic. I was running around work telling everyone that would listen. I was visibly shaking with my happiness. Then.....

I started feeling nauseous. I thought for sure I was going to toss my cookies. And I got to thinking that maybe it was all the bad thought toxins releasing and mixing with my happy thought endorphins. I think they were fighting each other.

I am happy with the results but now I have a new found fear of what the radiation and chemo together are going to do to him. I have such mixed emotions.

Can anyone offer some insite on what to expect when you mix the 2 together. I want to be as prepared as possible going into this.

Tom will have radiation M-F for 7 weeks and chemo (carbo/taxol) once a week simultaneously.


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Denise. Anything can be done. None of it is easy but you guys have been so much already you already know that. Enjoy your good news and move on to the next bit of fighting this thing with fists and not worry! Please have a good weekend, and that's an order!!!!


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