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latest news... UGH


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Well something of an update. Mom had to take Jerry to the emergency room on Friday of last week as he was so short of breath and in distress.

Mom called the primary doctor with the VA to inquire about oxygen but they said his evaluation was not poor enough to qualify him for at home oxygen. I don't begin to understand the logic behind that but..

ANYWAY.. while at the hospital, the ER doctors did more blood work, EKG's and gave him a breathing treatment. The blood tests showed that his white cell count was pretty high so they put him on an antibiotic. He had a fairly ok weekend but Mom said today he is not good again, not able to or wanting to eat and just in his chair.

Now we are waiting to hear from the VA hospital in Albany about the time for the biopsies on Monday.

I really hate this.

I will do my best to keep things updated and check in here. In between trying to do all I can for Mom and Jerry, my daughter is graduating from high school this weekend and we are having a party for her. I am having out of town house guests, too so I may be among the missing here for a while.. Guess I better ask for a hall pass in case someone notices I am AWOL.. haha

Thanks for listening....



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Chris, I'm so sorry to hear that Jerry is not doing well. I hope you can concentrate on the happy events this weekend. Even with the ugliness of this disease, there is much to be celebrated and I know Jerry would want to focus on your daughter's celebration. I will keep your family in my prayers.


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I am sending lots of hugs and positive vibes your way. I am also holding your mom and step-dad in my prayers as they start this journey. Sure do hope it turns out to NOT be lung cancer!! I can't believe that a hospital would tell someone who was having trouble breathing that they don't meet the criteria for oxygen ...???????

Hope you get through the party this weekend as best you can - I know you have a lot on your plate in the next week or two. I am taking you up on your offer and coming to the party - what time is dinner?? :lol::lol::lol:

Tells Megs congratulations from me.

Hugs - Patti B.

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Sorry about this latest update. Darn it! I'm glad you have happy events to fill the days. I would never have guessed you could possibly have a daughter old enough to graduate H.S. :D

Regarding the oxygen, I know that the Medicare requirement is that the blood oxygen level must be 88% saturation or below without it, to qualify for coverage. Sounds crummy, but that's the facts. Probably the same criteria for the VA. Too much oxygen isn't good either. I'm sorry to hear that he's falling into the Twilight Zone range. SOB doesn't always mean that oxygen is necessary either. A lot of factors come into play with SOB.

I just hope they get this show on the road and find out what is going on with Jerry. Having no answers is so frustrating.

Take care and enjoy your daughter's special time and your guests. We'll miss ya!


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Re oxygen, make sure that they're taking a "walking" oxygen count as well as a "sitting" one; i.e., when my blood oxygen levels first began falling, it only showed up if they kept me walking while wearing the oximeter. Otherwise, if just sitting or lying in bed, I easily managed to register at least 91%.


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