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Thank you

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I want to thank all of the caregivers out there.

I have been reading and crying at the posts written by the children and the husbands and wife’s about taking care of and losing their loved ones. It makes me think of my daughter and my husband and family. Forgive me about the children thing, but I’m a Mom and I will always say my children even though my daughter is 36. To be totally honest it breaks my heart to read them, I want to run to them all and give them a hug that just won’t quit. I just can’t imagine my family having to go through that. My pain will end but theirs will continue.

My husband let it slip that he will watch me in middle of the night just to make sure that I am still breathing. I have to sleep in our spare room, since I still have trouble sleeping. My love for him can’t be measured. But, then I am also sure that all of us feel the same way about all of our loved ones.

This is a special site for me; it let me meet all of you, even though it was because of the LC that I came here. Everyone is just so caring and loving. I find myself throughout the day wondering how Patti is or Carole is, well you get the picture. I never ever thought that I would care so much about people that I have never met before, but I do. Please keep doing what you are doing, it means so much to us.

Be well


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Sarah Its ok! I also used to watch Deb sleeping at nite so let him know its ok!! Thank you for sharing that with us. I soemtimes wonder what she was thinking about and I gain lots of insight from many people here myself into that question....

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Boy, I could have written this post myself!!! I know so much how you feel!!!

I used to shy away from the caregiver/grieving sections as much as possible because it hurt so much to see the pain people are in and then to realize that I may be putting my family through that some day. But then, I am also drawn to those sections because I care so much about the people here on this board. I never thought I could feel such a bond with people over the internet.

I, too am a mom and thats what hurts so much. My son just turned 16 and I want so bad to see him grown up and not make him go through pain. Since my husband is a long distance truck driver, my son is the one who sometimes during the night peeks into my room to make sure I am OK. Not fair - teenagers shouldn't have to worry about that kind of thing. And of course, I cannot imagine the worry that my husband goes through while he is out driving.

You stay strong, Sarah. The love you and your family have for each other will help you fight this dreaded disease. Come here often; we will always be here for you.

Many hugs - Patti B.

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I just want to say thank you for this touching post. I know that, personally, Mom and I got so caught up in caring for and about Jerry, just doing everything in our power to keep him comfortable and happy, we never stopped to really think about how and what he was thinking or feeling.. I can only pray that his thoughts and feelings were as loving as those that you have shared with us.

We are here for you, we will continue to be here.

Many hugs, (((((Sarah)))))



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Thank you Sarah for that post. I personally worried about my Mom being afraid of how I would handle it when she was gone. And one person that helped me with her told me that that IS what she worried about. That alone made me feel bad because she had enough to deal with fighting this terrible disease.

I think it was an honor to be by her side as she faught a brave and valiant battle. She was my best friend and I just hope that she didn't put herself through anything that she didn't want to do just for me.

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I too, used to lay awake and watch Alan sleep. My only hope was that he was comfortable and not in any pain. It was a relief to me when he was sleeping peacefully, because that meant he was as comfortable as he could be.

You are right in how we become so close to people we have never physically met, but the people on this site have come to mean so much to me. We feel their triumphs and their loses as if they were our own.

Continued prayers to all of us.

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