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Dad home from hospital....still NED!!!


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I posted on Sept. 6 that dad was admitted to the hospital for pnuemonia. After a nightmarish stay in our local hospital for a week, dad refused further treatment there and was transported via ambulance to Johns Hopkins where his surgery was done in May.

I followed the ambulance up Friday morning (80 mph in the pouring rain I might add!! :shock: )so I could take mom since we did not know how long he would be there. They performed a bronchoscopy as soon as we got there and withdrew fluid from his lung for testing. They took chest x-rays, ct scans, ultra sounds, and what felt like a million different blood tests. Long story short....dad has pnuemonia and is still cancer free!!!! :D:D Praise the Lord!!! We were scared out of our minds during this whole process.

Mom and dad are driving home as I type this and we are so very grateful for him being blessed. Thanks for all the prayers.



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