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Sandra's Stayin' Alive Party


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Last weekend I hosted a party in honor of surviving one year since my diagnosis. I called it my Stayin' Alive Party and asked my guests to come dressed in 70's attire. About 60 people in total were there. My guests entered to signs of entering the Harvey Wallbanger Backdoor Bar and Eatery. We had disco balls and lava lamps inside the house. And 2 large canopies outside to accomodate the dancing. We served Harvey Wallbangers which were popular in the 70's. I decided that any guy who had a Harvey Wallbanger would get a name tag entitled "Hi My Name is Harvey" and that any lady who had one would get a name tag entitled "Hi My Name is Lucy" (because I thought that would be a good girls name to go along with Harvey!). My guests were from all different parts of my life so I thought it would be best if everyone had the same name. So there was a houseful of Harvey's and Lucy's running around. We ate, visited and danced and had a really good time. The "hustle" was involved. My husband downloaded an instructional video off YouTube and a friend and I learned it in the afternoon and led the way in the evening. Too funny!

I was visiting with some guests in the middle of the evening and the phone rang. On the other end I heard "Hi, is Harvey there?" to which I howled. My daughter is much smarter than I and showed me how to call back the number that had just called. So I did and wandered out on to my deck where there were many other guests. Funny how one of them was looking very guilty as his cell phone was ringing unanswered!

Here are a few pics of decorations etc.:


You can see the Galliano bottle in the background.


One of my best friends arranged this cake for me. And yes, the disco ball turns!


My daughter and I bought some candy that was introduced in the 70's. The kids ate it all!


My fireplace mantel was adorned with 70's albums and even cassettes that we dug up from the basement.


Along with other 70's attire, here is the lovely pink hair and survival crown that I wore. The crown was adapted to say "Happy Surviving One Year".

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