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Not the news I wanted to hear

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So today was the big day, aka meeting with all of the doctors. Long story short, they told my Pop-Pop that he was terminal and there is nothing more that can be done, except to keep him on the oxygen and to keep him comfortable. All treatment and home care (PT & OT) have been called off. The Doctor said he should hopefully have a few months at best. We will be contacting hospice tomorrow. Sorry to sound like a drama queen, but I think I need to have a good cry right now...

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I am so sorry to read your message. This must be so difficult for your Dad and the family. Hospice should be some help in coping. Keep us posted.

Donna G

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Of course you are shedding tears. That is devastating news and I am so sorry to hear what you and your family are going through. Get it all out and I am sure you will pull together and do the very best you can for your pop pop and make his remaining time the best that it can be. Please let us know how you are doing when you are able.


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You deserve a good cry. I want to cry with you. I've been following your posts and I'm so sorry for this latest news. I've heard wonderful things about hospice and I'm sure they will help you through. Hang in there. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


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You are most certainly not a drama queen. Your Pop Pop sounds like a wonderful man that deserves every single tear. I am so sorry to hear the news. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. You can always come here to cry or scream or whatever you need to do.

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You go ahead and cry. This is difficult news to absorb. After my mom got her dx, I started being very fearful about how little time we might have left, but one day I realized that I was thinking about it all wrong. Each day with her still here is a gift. After that, each day became something joyful rather than something sorrowful. It's a small change, but it made the biggest difference.

There is no day beyond today. Pop-Pop is here today and that deserves a celebration! I know it is easier said than done, but try to appraciate every day with him now.



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I'm sorry to hear the latest news on your pop-pop. You go ahead and have your good cry. It sure is overwhelming to hear this and it can take a lot out of you. I have experienced a loved one going through Hospice and can't say enough great things about them. They can help you through anything and everything. I prayer for peace and comfort for you and pop-pop in the days ahead. Cherish every moment.


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I am sorry for the news, and understand, all too well, the tears. Though, they are a release and can have a calming effect.

You and your family, along with Pop-Pop have precious sharings ahead. They can, each of them, be a loving gift.

Having had a relative in hospice (lung cancer), I know that his days were made comfortable, and the family had many blessed times with him.

The hospice staff was wonderful. That was a few decades ago, and today their knowledge in comfort giving is even more advanced.

Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.


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I remember your first post and that beautiful picture of you and your Pop-Pop. I'm sorry things haven't turned out the way you hoped. Enjoy and appreciate the time you still have with him. Hospice will help Pop-Pop and all your family, physically and emotionally. Members here have had their time extended for many months with loved ones under hospice care. Cry and vent here as often as you need.

Judy in Key West

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