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Getting to Know You - Friday - April 24


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You would think with having a brand spanking new baby in the house that I would get broken sleep. I managed to get 7 straight hours. The kid slept straight through the night at 2 days old. Go figure.


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My usual 5 or 6 at night. I'm a night person by nature but my husband, who's in Switzerland this week, calls at 630am and the dog walker comes at 7am. But I've been taking 2-3 hour naps in the afternoon -- I suspect it's because of the Zometa.

Sandra, when I was getting radiation to the spine and pelvis -- and for a week or so thereafter -- I was sleeping 14 hours/day. The radiation onc said that was to be expected. Anyway, maybe that's why you're sleeping more lately.


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9 hours. I've been sleeping without a sleep aid typically for 9 to 10 hours a night. I have occasional bouts of disturbed sleep--trouble getting to sleep and then staying asleep. By the time I think to take an Ativan before bed, I've usually worked my way through whatever anxiety (SCANS) brought it on. One night with Ativan this time and I'm back on track sleeping like Rip Van Winkle.

Judy in Key West

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8 hours with a couple of brief wakeups. I usually take a antihistimine before bed and that seems like that does the trick. If I dont take it I usually dont get much sleep. Does anyone know if taking a small does of antihistimine is harmful to lung if taken daily on a regular basis?

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Hi Mike. I had a reaction (itch) from morphine and started taking an anithistamine for that. I asked if there was any harm in having to take that daily (which I don't anymore), and the answer was no. Now that answer came from a pain doctor. But I don't believe there is any harm. Check with your med onc though to be sure.

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"ts"]Tuckered out - from 8 pm to 8:30 am with an hour break just before midnight. So, 11 hours at least!

(Ellen, just saw your post - 2/3 the way thru radiation could be contributing!)

When did you start sleeping that much? If it's in the last few weeks (i.e. since the start of radiation), then I bet that's it. I had only 14 tx and it really knocked me out. Good luck.


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I've been through 20 radiation tx to date with 10 to go. Sleep has been key for me since surgery last November. Typically sleeping 7-10 hours a night, with many 1-3 hour naps thrown in. If I don't sleep, I get weepy (and extremely tired.) I needed a little help thru chemo, but mostly, I have excellent sleep skills. Always have. My SO commented that R is kicking my butt. I thought it was being back to work half time!


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Hi Stephanie.

Eek, surgery, chemo, a zillion radiation sessions -- I don't know how you guys do it. My 14 measly radiation sessions -- and just to the spine and pelvis -- was the pits. When I wasn't sleeping, I was nauseous, in spite of taking Zofran religiously. That's been my only serious treatment and I didn't like it one bit. Yes, I can certainly believe that 20 radiation sessions, and after what you've been thru, is kicking your butt. :(

But I love your line about having 'excellent sleep skills'! May I use it? I am the soundest sleeper I know.

Hang in there.


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