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My friend Jeanne


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My friend and golf buddy has just been dx'd with LC. She has the BAC variety. She is being very quiet about the whole thing and acting like it is no big deal, so all of her friends are following her lead.

She started on Tarceva yesterday. I plan not to tell her about this place or any of the ideas that you all have to help with the rash until she asks for help.

But, all prayers and crossed fingers are greatly appreciated. She is a former nurse and therefore probably knows too much.

She was doctoring for a while for a constant cough and some sob. After 6, yep 6, months her GP had her get an xray. Xray said get CT scan. CT report said appears to be malignancy with lymph involvement (having been a nurse, of course she read the report). Next on to the pulmonologist who said no it just looks like pneumonia to me. Of course, she loved hearing this. This damn dr. semi treated her for over a month for pneumonia. It wasn't until she couldn't get from bed to the bathroom due to sob that anything happened.

She had 2 liters of fluid removed from around her heart. Then they did surgery? to get a biopsy.

Any information would be appreciated and of course, prayers.

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I'm so sorry to learn of your friend's diagnosis. I will certainly keep her in my prayers. Hope you can get her to come to this site so she can have every advantage . As we all know, it's a god send to have input from others who are coping with the same diagnosis and undergoing the same treatment. Please let her know that there are prayers going up for her from here in Virginia. Hugs to you both.



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Ginny, warm healing thoughts going out to your friend. That damn pneumonia does seem to confound the cancer dx, doesn't it. I remember a doctor who had seen the color of the fluid removed (also 2 liters) from my lung coming in after I'd been on IV antibiotics for awhile saying "well, the proof is in the pudding, you're getting better." The scans were just confusing things and the Stage IIIb didn't come until a month and a half later through cytology reports. By that time I was feeling fine. Just the roll of the dice I guess, how we get to the first stage of the journey. Hope she does well on Tarceva. They are using that as first line sometimes now aren't they.

Judy in Key West

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Just spoke to Jeanne. Her attitude is super. Still a little sob and has no appetite but she said she may go to the movies with our little golf group tomorrow.

I told her I would get her the address for this site and Dr. West's site. She is ready for this.

If attitude helps, she is a survivor.

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