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Does anyone know what this means?


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I got a copy of my hubby's ct scan but they are having to re-do because they forgot to compare to the prior one. But I'm not that familiar with medical terminology, so if anyone knows please advise. I did google a bit on these but am still unclear. Thanks!

1. Multiple sclerotic lesions throughout the osseous skelton.

2. Possible right jugular vein thrombosis

3. Nonspecific nodules noted in superior segment left lower lobe.

4. Portal vein is patent

5. Bilateral adrenal gland nodularity. Spenule is noted left upper quadrant.

6. Atherosclerotic changes in abdominal aorta are present extending to involve iliac vessels.

7. Bones reveal multiple sclerotic lesions involving iliac bones, sacrum, lumbar and thoracic spine.

I could really use at least some kind of information if you would be so kind.

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Gosh Michelle, I've had a gazillion scans and must admit I can't understand the results when left on my own. I'm going to try to use the medical dictionary from online and look each thing up. I know there are a couple quite knowledgeable folks here ~ hope they come along ~ but that's not me. I'm no help, but wnanted you to know someone was out here listening. Weekends can be lonely here. I'll be back.


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That's a tough one but maybe Dr West can help Ya out?? I know sometimes he checks in on weekends here so ya never know. OR run to Cancergrace and ask him there! Hope and prayers for You Michelle! I don't want to guess and be wrong so that's why i say go to CancerGrace.org and ask him !

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The problem is, this is all out of context. Scans like these really should be put into context of what the patient is experiencing and what has been seen on other scans. This is why my sister's hospital doesn't want a patient to have a report prior to seeing the doctor. I remember her freaking out over something she read on hers. Luckily for her, she has me :) in her family who can read these things and also has all her scan reports and can put things into context. Though even I would prefer to hear it all from her oncologist first.

I'm not sure how much defining the words in the report will help you, as we don't have the context. Case in point, sclerotic bone lesions can be from many many things, including metastases. Only the doctors can really put this into context for you.

When do you see the doctor? I remember you said you have a better relationship with the primary, can he talk directly to you and help explain any of this as it applies to your husband? I know how hard the waiting is and I hope you don't have to wait too long. I'm sorry that you've said that you don't have many options as far as oncologists go, because it really seems like the one you have is not very attentive to the anxiety that his lack of really communicating with you both causes. I'm glad you have this site, but it can't substitute for an oncologist that you really feel is on your side, and you don't seem to have that. I wish that wasn't the case for you.

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The way it stands right now we aren't supposed to see the onc doc until mid September. He is the one who ordered the scan for late July, so I don't know why we have to wait so long for information. The PCP is a wonderful doctor and would probably be able to at least tell us "something", but as he says himself, he is not an oncologist.

I just can't stand the idea of waiting so long. He is scheduled for lab at the onc doc on Tuesday, so maybe I can ask his assistant questions if I'm able to stop her in the hall or something.

I'll post again when I hear something....if anything on Tuesday. And thank you so much for your advice.

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I'm so sorry that your onc doesn't seem to get it. I've never heard of a scan in July and no follow-up until September. That is just too long for you all to have to wait. I wish you had other oncologist options. Try and get them to talk to you when you go in for the labs. Good luck.

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Michelle, I saw your post first on cancergrace and I just have to ask this question--is this onc's office one of those who you were battling with over insurance. I hate to think this extraordinary wait is some kind of sadistic pay-back. Please reassure me this is not the case! Thinking of you and waiting for that Tues visit with you. Not that I have a whole lot of hope you'll get much from the assistance unless he/she is exceptionally compassionate. My onc is pretty one-way about no one discussing the results of scans with me except HER. Of course, she is always right on the ball with that.

Judy in Key West

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"jaminkw"]Michelle, I saw your post first on cancergrace and I just have to ask this question--is this onc's office one of those who you were battling with over insurance. I hate to think this extraordinary wait is some kind of sadistic pay-back. Please reassure me this is not the case! Thinking of you and waiting for that Tues visit with you. Not that I have a whole lot of hope you'll get much from the assistance unless he/she is exceptionally compassionate. My onc is pretty one-way about no one discussing the results of scans with me except HER. Of course, she is always right on the ball with that.

Judy in Key West

I battled the insurance company with requests from both the onc doc as well as the pcp. The wait to see the onc I assume is because he is so very very busy. He has two office locations plus he works out of two different hospitals here. But, you know me Judy.....I'm a fighter, so there is no way I will leave the onc doc's office on Wednesday (it changed) until I have information because frankly we deserve to know what's happening and it's beyond cruel for us to have to wait so long. Especially if the chemo meds need to be changed because of possible mets. It would be a total waste to continue taking carbo/gemzar for example if we needed perhaps Tarceva or something else. I WILL GET INFO.....sound tough? LOL

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I'm sorry I'm not much help either. I only recognize one of the terms from experience which was the Portal Vein patent.

When my hubby has SVC it was because a tumor was compressing a blood vessel causing fluid back up in his arm. When we received various reports checking other blood vessels we had that term throughout, and it's a good thing. Patent means clear and unblocked. So #4 means his portal vein is unobstructed.

The rest of the results I could guess at, but I don't think that would be the best thing to do. I wish I had more I could help with.

But I guess the best help I can offer is my continued prayers. You and your husband are always in my prayers. God bless you!


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Thanks Carleen! Tomorrow I'm hoping to get more info when we go for his weekly labs. The doctors PA is normally good at answering questions, so I'll see if I can catch her. (Or if all fails, tackle her? ) LOL

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Hubby's nose was bleeding really badly yesterday. I knew why, so we went to the onc's office early for lab. His platelets were a "6". Normal range is 140-440 for off to the ER we went. It was a 12 hr visit and he got 20 units of platelets. We were told that I'll need to bring him back on Friday for more. Apparently it's dangerous to give more than 20 units per transfusion. Red cells were low too so we'll probably get those too on Friday.

Didn't get a chance to tackle the PA about the CT scan. I did call the radiology place to find out why the comparison hadn't been completed from July 26th. Apparently the tech is on vacation and no one else can do it. Can you believe this? Anyway, they promised (yea right) that it would be completed by the end of next week.

This emotional roller coaster it's really taking a toll on both of us. Some days he seems "fair" and others I feel like it's the "end". He just looks so awful and can barely stand up. His skin coloring is as white as a sheet....and he can't remember things from moment to moment. He's constantly repeating himself. Is this what they call "chemo brain"?

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