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Finding something that will taste good


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My wife has SCLC. She did radiation for her brain tumors and finished her three sets of chemo two weeks ago. Everything she eats is either too salty or too sweet, so her choices are fewer and fewer, and is now losing weight 115 to 106. Does anyone know what I can do for her to help her find something she can eat. Thank you

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sounds kind of weird but the diet thing and weight loss is out of the window. You want to think anything that PUTS ON WEIGHT!!!!!! Think soups with heavy cream and what not. Ensure Boost are great. Eat when you are hungry not when you are supposed to! Cheese, Regular milk, Home made smoothies with lots of fresh or frozen berries and yogurt are great also!! Lots of fruit and veggies. Stay hydrated and this means LOTS OF WATER and occasionally if its ok you have to drink some Gatorade to keep the electrolytes in your body working right also..

Weight loss is a MAJOR concern here. It can lead to a condition known as cachexia and that's not a good thing..

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In addition to the high-calorie beverages and shakes already mentioned, I enjoyed the individual cups/cans of apple sauce, peaches, pears, etc. They were a nice treat for an irritated throat. Some of the fruits are packed in rather heavy syrup, so if that's too sweet, look for the "lite" versions.

If your wife has finished the radiation and chemo regimen, her eating problems should start diminishing before long. But as that happens, you can expect that what "tastes good" may change from day to day. Just be patient, as I know you will be. Aloha,


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First don't let her get nauseated if you can help it. Keep her meds on board. Also what really helped me was eating every couple of hours, it really didn't matter what. Every time my stomach got empty I would get sick. One day I could tolerate something, the next I couldn't stand the smell! I did the "finger foods" thing to and it worked pretty good. I also liked fresh melons, especially watermelon. My Mom would cut it up in small bite size pieces and just kept a bowl handy. Don't count on favorite foods being favorites anymore.


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When my hubby was released from his last trip to the hospital he only weighed 160 pds from his original weight of 200. At first I just gave him "healthy foods" and avoided sugar. I learned that sugar isn't a fuel for cancer at all since then so I began giving him anything he wanted. I take him food four times a day (small meals) and include the ensure plus. Sometimes I'll blend the ensure with bananas, peanut butter and protein powder. He has actually gained 20 lbs back and I'm thrilled. He's still picky but at least he'll eat and the pounds are coming back on. Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.

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My Dad has finished three sets of chemo and is trying to eat at meals, but weight loss is an issue. Unfortunately, he doesn't believe in snacking between meals. Also, he says that Ensure tastes too sweet. Are there any other drinks like Ensure that we can buy for him to try?

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Have you tried the Carnation Instant Breakfast powdered mixes? They can be stirred into milk, nondairy soy "milk" or rice "milk" beverages, and probably other liquids. You can get a variety pack of several different flavors, which I find much more tasty than Boost or Ensure or the Wal-Mart clones.

I didn't believe in snacking between meals either, since keeping my weight down had been a lifelong effort — until I got cancer! One of the first things I noticed after starting chemo was that I simply couldn't eat as much at one sitting as before. It was sort of neat to be able to break my previous "no snacks" rule without feeling guilty.


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