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Deborah VF

Bruce u

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We had a new member that recently joined our group, Deborah VF. Deborah is currently in the hospital and her Doctor, Oncologist, and Surgeon are putting a plan together to deal with a troublesome spine met. I'm sure everyone will join me in sending prayer's that this will be taken care of and Deborah can return home. Thanks.

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Hi Bruce,

Sorry tp hear about Deborah,please pass on to her ,my best wishes and prayers for her full return to health.

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Hey Everyone, and thank you soo much for the prayers.. I cant say how much that means to see them.. and Thank you Bruce for posting the message. You guys are awesome.

Has been a rough couple weeks but we are coming out on the other side i think.. I had the surgery wednesday and all seems good.. still having a little paralizes on one side, we are hoping will return normal with time.. but we saved my ability to walk.. Thank God.. as we had demised in one post the pain i was in was not normal.. and turned out my spine was alrady fractured.. and wouldnt have took much to have paralyzed me..

Soooo.. Praise be to God... we move forward with LOTS to be grateful for... :)

Now it is time to just let this heal awhile.. and then it sounds like we are looking at Radiology and/or possibly tarceva.. (will be looking for more info on that in the coming days), my Onc is screening me to see if i am a canditate.. crosses fingers.. because I have read some really good things.. have appt on the 26th.. should know a little more about a plan then.. but is a lot of options being looked at, and lot in the works.. and that is a relief.

Me and my family are all feeling so much more hopful and ready to tackle this deal, now that we are over that crisis, and we are so grateful for the thoughts and prayers of everyone.. and I am now looking forward to drawing more on your guys experience and strength as things begin to unfold..

Thanks for Being Here.. Hugss all and God Bless....


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