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My First-Ever Dream about Bill


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I have had my first-ever dream about Bill.

He had come to take me out to breakfast. He looked wonderful. His face was all lit up with joy. I remarked to a friend who was there that Bill would be 80 in a couple of weeks. She said that he looked so well.

He and I were waiting on line to wait for a table, and he took me next door to a little shop where he bought me ticket. When I looked at it, I was a winner.

I woke up with a peace and the feeling that he was telling me that he was more than fine.


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Glad Bill is there to remind you Barbara, you are a winner. Happy to hear about your dream and how much peace and reassurance it gave you.

By the way, I met Gail of Gail and Hank when I was in NJ. She asked about you and said you were such a comfort to her in her time of need. I told her Bill had passed and she expressed her condolences.

Judy in KW

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Hi Judy, :D

Yes, thank you for telling me about Gail. She contacted me via email and I replied to her just the other day. She told me that you told her about Bill's death.

She and I used to correspond.

For some reason, since that dream, I have not wakened in the morning with that sinking feeling in my stomach.

I look forward to the day.

It's not that I don't have teary moments, but they are usually in response to something I have heard or seen on the Tv.

I cry more now at things I see and hear. If someone in the news has a sad event, I am a bit raw yet, and the waterworks begin.

My thoughts, though, are generally more at peace. The feeling has internalized that Bill is OK, and I have more confidence.

Does that make any sense?



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It does make perfect sense Barb. How awesome that he came to assure you. I do believe that our loved ones visit us in our dreams. I remember when my little sister died at age 25. I was beyond devastated. She was my best friend in the whole world. She visited me quite a bit in the first year, and it gave me great peace and helped quiet my acute grief.

Judy In MI

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Yes, Judy, that is exactly what it did for me. It gave me a new kind of confidence in living my life without him.

I have always believed in the spiritual. In fact, it is my belief that we are all spirits living in human form in this life.

For me, we are all connected here, and in the beyond.

The thing that surprised me was that I had never had a dream about Bill. This was so unexpected. It was as though I received a gift that was meant to assure, so I planned to run with it. :)



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Judy, I had wondered about the timing. It was the thing that mostly made me think - that is, after a few days following the dream.

Bill's been gone for six months, our anniversary just passed and his birthday is coming up next week.

Not to over-analyze it, but I think he wanted me to have an ease of passage at this time. Yes, timing is everything.

I was talking to one of our sons yesterday, and he expressed the wish to visit the cemetery with me. It is timely, and a lovely time of year. He and my daughter-in-law will be going.

My daughter took me there on Memorial Day weekend, and my youngest son took me during the summer.

This will be on what would have been Bill's 80Th birthday, and will be something nice for the three of us to do together.

Again, the reason I have shared this is because this site, and especially the wonderful people here have always been there for me. Otherwise, I would never feel so comfortable expressing these things.



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Barbara, I am so glad you were able to "visit" with Bill. That's how I always refer to my dreams of Dennis...as a "visit." Like you, I always feel safe and comforted after one of these visits and I seem to know that he is alright and that he is somehow managing to look out for me. It's funny how unpredictable the dreams are but I seem to always have a dream about Dennis when I'm really stressed to the max or when I'm struggling to make a big decision. It's almost as if my inner being is reaching out to him, asking him to help me.

Regardless of what happens, or why it happens....let's just be glad that we have our special "visits" that always make us feel so loved afterwards.

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Barb, Earl 'visits' me off and on. Mostly can't remember the dreams, just know he was there. It is comforting. I hope Bill visits you as often as you need.

My mantra has always been, that losing your 'heart' is never easy but it does get easier.

I wish you peace and happiness.

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My first visit was less than a month after Johnny died. I had many that first year and several in the next few years. Now after nearly 8 years they don't come often. Like Ann my visits or dreams always seem to come when I am stressed and dreading something. A visit from Johnny gives me the strength to go forward.

Like you I believe that this spirit world and our world are interlaced. There is just a thin veil between us and sometimes it slips and we get a glimpse of our loved one who has gone. They always seem to come when needed the most. I am not up to date with all the happenings here lately but I do hope that you and everyone who needs it have more signs of your loved ones presence. It doesn't always have to be a dream or you see them. Sometimes it is just a smell or an intense feeling of their presence. There have been so many different ones for me. I never hear the quail roosters crow that I don't just feel but know that my Johnny is near again.

I hope that your dreams and visits and signs will continue to bring you joy and that sense of peace that only a visit from someone we have loved can bring.

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Dear Lily, and all here in this grieving room,

The comforts we receive from precious signs either within or without are gifts.

We know instinctively that something has bolstereed us though we may not be able to put a name to it.

It is a mystery, but not completely. We are left with a renewed sense of confidence or courage that we need to get through.


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You are so right Barb. Life and death are both full of mysteries Love is something that never ends and I know that what we feel or sense is that love reaching from one life to another. There is no need to question it, just be thankful that we can feel the love of someone who is gone. Bless you and may the days pass in peace and may you have more dreams and visits to sustain you.

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