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Let's Play a Word Game


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(As in "Shots fired" - hanging with a mighty hunter now, autumn means deer season.)

Judy, Eric's story is something I've heard from my father. Seems the 'Mericans were surrounded and when asked for their surrender, the 'Merican general replied "Nuts!" The Germans had to translate, and as it is a colloquialism, I'm sure it made absolutely no sense to them.

...in the time they took to figure it out, reinforcements arrived, I believe.

Dooking, Eric? Here, it's "bobbing" for apples. The apples are in a tub, and guests take turns with their hands behind their backs, going into the tub face first to catch the apple in their mouth. The best assault seems to be getting a big breath and chasing one apple to the bottom of the tub, grabbing tight with the teeth and ruining hair and make-up in the process.

Trick-or-treating here involves costumes and a bag. Kiddies knock on the door of a house with a lit yard light during specified hours, yell "Trick-or-treat" and the home owner drops candy in the bag. No singing, jokes, etc.

Sometimes, teens go "T.P.'ing" - this involves rolls of toilet paper and trees in the yard. If one lobs the roll correctly, it unrolls on the way up into the tree AND the way down... Leaves quite a mess. Another favorite is the flaming bag of poo on the front step. Don't stomp it....

Devil's Night is a whole 'nother story....

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By the way Becky, Bobbin for apples?article in the newspapers here,letters being circulated around all the schools in Scotland by the Health and Safety guys that Bobbin for apples is hereby banned forthwith,due to it being unhygenic,a serious risk of spreading germs.Dooking with a fork can continue though.I kid you not.

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Thanks for your trick or treat explaination,I wouldnt give the little rascals candy without having earned it first,so get them singing or reciting a favourite poem or even telling a joke,helps teach them you gotta earn your pay.Anyway I follow giving the kids candy as the treat part of the expression,what is the trick part,putting a rattlesnake in their bag?or would that infringe some animal welfare law?

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I guess it is extortion, Eric, since the TP and flaming poo bag could come your way as a result of not sweetening the little rascals...or egged windows. Easiest way around it is to turn off the porch light and just eat your own candy...no need to worry about rat poison and razor blades that way, since you've opened the sealed bag yourself.

As for the unhygienic bobbing for apples, I wouldn't do it if I weren't first in line. Who wants a bunch of spit in their face and other people's losing attempts of half-bitten apples floating around? This was never one of my favorite games, since I consider make-up and hair to be part of a good costume...

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A couple of years ago,Sally and I had been out all day and hadnt prepared for the provision of goodie bags for the guising kids,so we put all the front of house lights off,just after 6pm and sat in the kitchen at the back of the house with one little light on,thought we had got away with it,then bang,bang,bang on my back door,it was a couple of guisers of the wont be fooled types who crept through the back garden of my house to reach my back door.You have got to give them credit havent you.

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Oh Eric, that wouldn't happen here. There's an NRA (National Rifle Association) sticker on the door and this is redneck country. One doesn't sneak around in the bushes for fear of being shot or stirring up a polecat/opossum/yard dog.

Redneck country: Bare arms and bear arms...LOL

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Hi Trawna,

Thanks for keeping some focus,how about Spectre.

Donnie joke in similar vein.

Lost man in Glasgow,says to a passerby "Hey Jimmie,could you direct me to Sauchiehall St please" Man replies "How did you know my name was Jimmy"" I just guessed" said lost man.Well then said the other "You can just guess your way to Sauchiehall St then "

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