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Stopping radiation treatments


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Why should I keep going if there is no cure for cancer. I am sick of going every freaking day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Daily radiation treatments are frustrating.  My mom was sick of driving to the clinic every day and basically not having a life during radiation.  But she was happy with the result - No Evidence of Disease for 1 year.  Even though there isn't a cure for my mom's lung cancer, it is being treated as a chronic condition rather than a death sentence, just like her rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.  Everyone has a different point of view when it comes to treatment, but I am thankful that my mom puts up with doctor appointments every few days and has done so for nearly 2 years.   I hope that whatever decision you come to regarding your treatment will bring you some relief from your frustration.

Take Care,


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My lung cancer was stage 1A, so for it I only needed surgery. I had two unrelated cancers previouly and for both of them I had radiation 30 treatments for each one, if I recall correctly. For one of them, which was stage 3, I was having chemo concurrently. It certainly was a big drag to go there every day, as well as dealing with some side effects. It was worth it though. Today I have no evidence of disease (yay NED!) on both of those cancers. One is 10 years ago and the other 7. Maybe they don't like to use the word "cure" anymore, but I think i have the next best thing: NED, no symptoms, no pain, no treament needed. My life is good. Hang in there!

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I have done radiation twice 70days x 15minutes each day for both my cancers over the years and never once regretted it for one minute, And as long as I receive treatment for cancer I will never ever refuse. But each individual has that option.


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So was I!  Sick and tired of being sick and tired!

My cancer would have taken my life in less than a year if not treated. I had 4 years of treatment. In February I will celebrate 15 years of life after diagnosis. Yet, my cancer is not cured. There is no cure for cancer. I’m almost 15 years of NED (no evidence of disease), our best possible outcome, but I still get scanned and see my oncologist twice a year. 

I’ve done a lot of living in 15 years.

Stay the course. 


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