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Everyone, my name is Charmaigne and I have 1 daughter and a 9 year old grand daughter. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in September of 2015. I am on Tagrisso and is doing very well. I have faith in God and I give him all the credit for bringing me through thus far. My mom and I were diagnosed within a month of each other, she passed in 2018 and was symptom free until the very end. I am not sure what else to say. 

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Hi Charmaigne,

First and foremost, welcome to Lungevity, and thank you for taking the time to join this forum. I have been a member since August of 2019 in search of information after being diagnosed in August of 2018 with NSCLC Stage 3A. I do not have any biomarkers so my treatment plan involved chemo and radiation followed by one year of Immunotherapy. My one year of immunotherapy will be ending in a week. I usually post under Immunotherapy and find that sharing my experiences and reading of others experiences has been very helpful. 

Our journey, so individual and yet so similar. We are all here to support each other so feel free, and let her rip. You are safe here to air all of your questions, your fears, your concerns, your triumphs and whatever may be foremost in your mind. 

My heart ached when I read that your mom passed away in 2018. My sincere condolences. It must have extraordinarily difficult knowing you both were diagnosed within a month of each other. 

Take Care, DFK



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Hi Charmaigne, 

Welcome to our group, so glad you found us.  I’m sorry for the loss of your mother and your diagnosis.  I was diagnosed with the ALK mutation in September, 2018 and take Alectinib.  

We can talk about anything here, there’s a lot a wisdom and support to help us manage our day to day lives.  Look forward to getting to know you!




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Hello Charmaigne,  

Welcome.   I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis and your moms passing.  My father passed from LC in October 2013.  I was diagnosed last year at an early stage.   Having been a caregiver and now a patient gives some helpful perspective on this forum.  There will be opportunities to give and get support where needed.   

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Hi Charmaigne. Welcome.

So sorry to hear about your situation and for your loss.

My mother was diagnosed with Stage 3A in October of 2016. She is now stage 4 and will be starting Tagrisso in the near future. This site has been a valuable resource for me. I hope it will be for you too.


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Let me add my welcome to those of my "longevity family" here.  Sorry you need to be here, but glad you came.  Please look around the site as there are many resources in addition to the great support you'll get here in the forums and above all; don't hesitate to ask any question at any time.  You'll be included in my prayers.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/13/2020 at 1:17 AM, DFK said:

Hi Charmaigne,

First and foremost, welcome to Lungevity, and thank you for taking the time to join this forum. I have been a member since August of 2019 in search of information after being diagnosed in August of 2018 with NSCLC Stage 3A. I do not have any biomarkers so my treatment plan involved chemo and radiation followed by one year of Immunotherapy. My one year of immunotherapy will be ending in a week. I usually post under Immunotherapy and find that sharing my experiences and reading of others experiences has been very helpful. 

Our journey, so individual and yet so similar. We are all here to support each other so feel free, and let her rip. You are safe here to air all of your questions, your fears, your concerns, your triumphs and whatever may be foremost in your mind. 

My heart ached when I read that your mom passed away in 2018. My sincere condolences. It must have extraordinarily difficult knowing you both were diagnosed within a month of each other. 

Take Care, DFK



Thanks guys for responding to my first timer email. 

I find this site on a whole to be difficult to navigate. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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It is not easy to navigate.   It took me a while get use to it...and I’m in a tech business.  

I use the icon at the top of the screen that shows you unread content.  It shows any of the posts you haven’t read.  You can also set up your profile to get notifications when someone comments or reacts on one of your posts.  Logging in can also be a pain.  Use your username instead of your email address.  



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