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Lung Cancer Final stage- Please help


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My mother has Lung Cancer that was discovered only 2 months ago but now it has already developed into the final stage.

Here are the clinical symptoms:

- She is puffed with edema: her legs become swelling up and very big. She just sits all days, she is unable to stand or walk.

- Very difficult to breath: she is breathing oxygen but still very difficult. She cannot lie down because that will make her very tired.

- Cannot eat or drink (extremely difficult) because her throat, gullet are narrowing.

- Her mental is still in a good condition.

Does anyone know how to treat this disease or how to reduce the symptoms (edema and breath difficulty)?

If you know some medicines, formulas or any helpful information that could be used for the treatment, please let me know urgently.

My family is in deep desperation. Please help us.

We very much appreciate and thank you for your help.

Manh Tri


Address: 37 Tan Hang street, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Email: manhtri@hcm.vnn.vn

Phone: +84-8-8571031

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I'm so sorry that your mother is having such a difficult time right now - it can be very hard on the family. My mother doesn't really have any symptoms, so I can't offer you any advice in that regard, although I am sure others on this board will be able to help.

I will be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best.


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I am so sorry about your mother's cancer. There are many different treatments available for the cancer and for her symptoms she is having. The doctor should be discussing those with her. I think the problem is that we are in the United States and what we have available to us, you may not.

I would suggest you search this site and the internet to get an idea of what's being done and go from there. All the best to you and your mother.


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My husband although not in the last stages has had the terrible edema in his legs and even his abdomen, his was found to be fluid around the lung sac, after doing a tap and removing a liter of fluid, his symptoms quickly subsided. I cannot say that this is what is the problem but it worked for him. I wish you stregnth, my prayers are with you and your mom.

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Your mom might find more comfort sitting up sleeping with a pillow in her lap to hold, leaning slightly forward.

Things to eat that are soft but not liquid taken in small bites work best, as swallowing can be difficult itself.

She may benefit from an antacid like nexium or the over the counter one. I hope you can make her comfortable.

Prayers are with you,


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My mother experienced the same things, however she was also in a lot of pain. The Dr. told us that there wasn't anything we could do for the edema but as far as the breathing she was put on oxygen which helped a lot. Also liquid morphine decreases the sensation for difficult breathing. She was also put on xanax to relax her. Other than that, if she is not eating or drinking then you can always moisten her lips and maybe let her suck on ice chips. Be close by her side even if it is to hold her hand.


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For the fluid she can try a medication called Lasix (also called furosemide) and it will help to remove some of the fluid in her legs and lungs. This will make her breathing easier. Morphine wil help her not be so worried about not being able to breath. I hope this helps her. Good Luck.

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First, let me say Im so sorry for what you are going through. Next, the above mentioned Lasix is very good at releasing fluid. Also, massaging upward to push that fluid upward, and you can do this in a very warm foot soak with Epsom salts.

Although my father gets too "woozy" from tranquilizers, Ive heard they can help. Or, they have just prescribed a "breathing mask", he hasnt tried it yet, but doc opted for that.

I dont know if this is drastic but what about a tube inserted into the stomach? Can she swallow at all? Those Ensure nutrition drinks are good.

Is she in hospice care? My father is and they take care of everything and their top concern is the patients comfort and what will help achieve that.

Let us know if we can help.

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I saw where someone suggested Lasix-gets rid of the extra fluid. Also if the DR puts her on it, you need to ask about a potassium suppliment. Lasix also depletes the body of potassium. Something you can try without a Dr order are Ted hose. These are very tight stretchy stockings. I have had to use them in the past and they help with circulation and they do feel GOOD when they are on. It did help with the swelling.


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  • 1 month later...

My father had a lot of swelling in the ankle area and it was suggested that he drink plenty of Gatorade. He did and the swelling is completely gone. I made this suggestion to my uncle who also had massive swelling throughout his body and within two days his swelling was gone. Gatorade worked wonderful for the.

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I am so sorry that your mother is so ill, but the others are right, there are many treatments, but it largely depends on the type of lung cancer your mother has.

As far as the edima, I would not recommend massage, just in case your mother has a blood clot in her leg(s) (very common in cancer patients, especially if they are not able to be very physically active and are sedentary). My father developed very large blood clots, which caused extreme swelling of the legs, we thought it to be fluid buildup at first, when the clot was discovered a filter was placed in his chest so that if the clot were to release it would not go to the lungs or heart. His doctors then had him take baby asprin (he could not have a strong blood thinner like cumidin because he had Gamma knife for brain mets, and the thinners could cause stroke when radiation is done on the brain). However, if a clot has been ruled out, than definatly do the massage...I tend to be cautious when massaging the legs is concerned, especially the calves.

I hope this was of some help to you. I am so glad that you found us, there are some wonderful people here, with a wealth of information. Your mother is in my prayers, please let us know how you are both doing. Take care, Deb

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I am so sorry to hear of your mom's lung cancer. Watching our loved ones suffer through this is so painful.

I don't really have any other suggestions than what others posted here. I agree that Lasix works well for swelling - at least it did for my grandmother. And somebody else mentioned Hospice - is that an available option where you are? As far as the breathing goes, my grandmother had terrible breathing difficulties, even with an oxygen mask delivering 100% pure oxygen into her lungs, so every 4-6 hours, she would also receive an albuterol (sp?) breathing treatment. At one point they even administered morphine into her oxygen mask to try to relieve some of her breathing difficulties. Those things helped her a little bit. Hugs to you.


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I am sorry to read about your mom. My husband had extensive blood clots and is very prone to edema. In fact, he is going through it again now. His doctor has recommended all of the above---except the Gatorade which I am going to try now.

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