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Hi Justin,

I had terrible pain when I ate at the end of my radiation.  I used Magic Mouthwash and it helped long enough for me to eat a meal.  It’s a prescription that I would drink before a meal.  Lidocaine and a couple other things.  Not sure if they have it over there but it’s worth a shot.  Good luck


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Hi does anyone know if oramorph works on esophagitis as the pain when swallowing is almost unbearable, the Dr's want me to go in to hospital but I would rather not just yet if possible many thanks Justin 

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Hi Justin, 

I'm so sorry you are in such pain. I completely understand not wanting to go to the hospital, but I just wanted to share that when my doctors wanted me to go to the Emergency Room at the hospital, I didn't go and I now realize it was a pretty dumb move on my part (and that's an understatement.) Whether you go or not, I hope you find a way to get some relief. 


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Thank you for the replies,

I finished my treatment last Wednesday,  the radiotherapy has caused terrible burning to my throat and esophagus but apart from that I actually feel quite good, the oncologist said that there was no point doing any more chemotherapy because it works better with radiotherapy and seeing I was finishing last Wednesday they said no more chemotherapy, apparently the tumor has already started to shrink and the lymph nodes are alright aswell so hopefully we'll get some more good news next year kind regards 

Justin x 

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My mum also had burning after radiotherapy and she only had two rounds of chemo. She was meant to have an extra one but they decided it wasn't necessary. 

Well done for finishing your treatment and sticking with it. Apparently not everyone does and when my mum was undergoing treatment one of the nurses told her that not all patients stick with it and give up treatment.

I read that you're not eligible for immunotherapy. Do you know if they want you to try any targeted therapy instead? 

Monica x 

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Hi Monica 

I'm glad the treatment is over but I'm also glad I stuck with it, the oncologist said they were really happy with the way the treatment has done its job, they haven't mentioned anything about targeted therapy yet do you think I should ask. 

Justin xx

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Justin, I can't recall if you did get biomarker testing. You should definitely ask your oncologist whether targeted therapy is applicable. If it is, you'll want to start it as soon as possible. 

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I think it's worth asking and exploring what further options there are. It's good that the oncologist is happy with the treatment though. I think it's always good see what else is available so you have more options and are more informed about your illness as you can xx

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Hi been to see the oncologist today unfortunately been told i have the k RAS mutation which I don't think is great news but  I dont know much about it so I'm a bit confused has anyone on here had this 

Many thanks Justin 

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Here is some info on KRAS lung cancer. A targeted therapy has recently been approved for the mutation KRAS G12C. 


You'll also want to check out the KRAS forum under the NSCLC Group/Lung Cancer Mutations. 


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Hi Justin,

It depends on your specific KRAS mutation. I am G12C, and will be eligible for a new drug which was only approved by the NHS as second line in September. It is called sotorasib or lumakras. Ask your doctors about this. Glad your radiation went well - but good to have options lined up just in case.


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Hi rikke I'm sure that's the same as I have, I was worried that there was no treatment for it but the oncologist told me I could have a treatment if it was needed 

Many thanks Justin 

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Hi Justin, I hope you're doing well and had a good Christmas. Having a mutation isn't really good or bad news; it just helps the oncologists to decide what treatment plans are and aren't suitable. Luckily there are lots of new targeted treatments for mutations. It's good that the oncologist doesn't think that you need the treatment at this moment, but it seems like the treatment is an option if the cancer was to return (hopefully it won't but it's good to know that there are options). I wish you a happy and cancer free 2022! 

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Hi thank you, I'm waiting for a scan date to see how the treatment did , I'm a bit confused about all the kras mutation and the pdl1 negative stuff I don't really understand any of it to be honest lol, does anyone have any idea how to explain it in simple terms lol.

Many thanks 


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Hi Justin, 

So I think PD-L1 is a protein that can be found on some cancer cells. The presence of PD-L1 basically tricks your immune system into thinking the cell is harmless, so your immune system ignores it rather than attacking it. If you have a high level of PD-L1, immunotherapy can be used… which I think essentially works by allowing your immune system to see through the PD-L1, and recognize the cells as harmful… so your body will start to fight the cancer cells. I think.

If you are PD-L1 negative (like me), it means you have low (or no) levels of the protein on your cells… so immunotherapy may be less helpful. But there are studies that show immunotherapy can still help despite this (like this one: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2021.657545/full). So they may still use immunotherapy in your treatment. 

I’m afraid I don’t really understand the genetic mutations either, so would also be keen to hear more about what they all mean!

I hope that makes sense!



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In the simplest of terms, certain treatment have been know to attack cancers with specific mutations. Similarly, immunotherapy like Keytruda attacks cancers with high levels of PDL1 which is an inhibitor which normally protects cancer cells from the immune system. Hence, if you don’t have particular mutation markers, or high PDL1, it is less likely that the treatment will work as it has little to identify the point of attack. Immunoscience is unbelievably complex, so I only get a small part of it, but this seems to be the gist of it. So we hang out and wait till scientists find the a drug which matches your particular mutation,… 🤷‍♀️
Clever people: please correct anything I got wrong!

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Thank you both for the replies, it definitely explains things better, I hope the scan comes through fairly quickly it really is a nightmare waiting. 

Many thanks 

Justin x

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Hi Justin,

Hope you are doing well.

I just started radiation to my lymph nodes and lung, and been told to expect some issues with the oesophagus as well. May I ask how many sessions you had before your pain started? I am trying to prepare myself.

best, Rikke

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Hi rikke

I had 20x days of radiotherapy to my right upper lobe and lymph nodes, I had a few symptoms like losing hair on my chest, also my chest and back felt really hot all the time i didnt notice much until the end of treatment pain wise but a week after i had finished it did get worse to swallow and peaked about 10 days after that which I found really bad, it was difficult to eat any solid food but it does get better quite quickly once it's peaked, I actually feel quite good now in my self, Im worried about the first scan next Tuesday just hope it was all successful. goodluck with everything I really hope it goes well for you take care 

Justin x

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Thank you both! I know it sounds silly, but my best friend’s 50th is coming up in two weeks, with people coming in from all over the world. After the past two years of lockdowns and cancer treatments I really, really want to be in decent form. I know there is nothing I can do in particular, but from what you are saying, I could be fortunate and make it ❤️❤️❤️🤞🤞🤞

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