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Headed to the Hospital


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I hope your procedure to drain the fluid is successful. I had mine drained yesterday, (see post in NSCLC) I hope and pray they get alot out.

You will feel better, only a little sore from the needle. Take care and let us know how you did......


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This has truly been an interesting day friends. I was pretty sure that it was going to be my last day from the pain I had this morning. When we found out what was causing it I felt a little better but it still hurt, alot! I went back in at 3pm to have the fluid drained and they told me things were "Running a little behind" so it would be awhile. I got in my gown crawled in the bed and waited....................4 1/2 hours!!! They didn't start the procedure until 7:30pm, lol.

He got me all hooked up to the bottle that the fluid drains in to and the suction was to much so he had to do most of the draw by hand. Got about 1/2 way through and I had a MAJOR pain in the center of my chest. He told me it was probably my heart moving back into place, lol. Once it moved back the pain was gone! I feel as good now as I ever have, lol. What a day!

Thank you all for your prayers! I am sure they are what helped!!!

God Bless each of you!!!


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I just read all this -- What a day you had!!! Very scary, but I'm so glad it ended as it did -- I about cheered out loud when I read: "I feel as good now as I ever have, lol." :o I just have to say that not many people I know have as positive an outlook as you do and stay in such good spirits, even through something like this. You're an incredible woman! I am keeping you in my prayers. Let's not have another day like this, okay?! :)


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Bless your heart! You are such a fiesty, wonderful, positive lady. I'm so pleased that you are feeling so much better now. What a day!

We are all loving that you came through this so well. Our prayers continue to be with you.

Cathy Rudy :D

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