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Air Pollution's Role in Lung Cancer

Judy M2

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Absolutely Judy, and do not forget that air pollution is sometimes worse inside our homes due to activities like cooking. We bought some IKEA air quality sensors and I am stunned how quickly (and often) they turn red when I cook! Living in BC also means almost annual disastrous forest fire season with climate changing so fast (Vancouver had the worse quality of air of any city on earth last Summer for some good chunk of time). We now have a couple of HEPA filters at home and they help. 

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A timely study related to this: 

Locking Down a Link Between Pollution and EGFR-Mutated Lung NSCLC: https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/esmo/100641 (also KRAS).

Seems I jinxed it mentioning last year's bad air in Vancouver; we woke up to the worst air in any city today again. Hazardous particulate matter with 20 times what is considered safe. Smells and looks like we live under Vesuvius!

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During the smoke in Portland OR a couple of years ago, we were cited as having the worst air in the world. That was BC for me. 

I always look at the daily AQI forecast before I decide whether I'm riding a bike inside or outside. Despite the beautiful sun and lovely temperatures forecast for today, the particle count is bad so I may have to ride my indoor bike.... 😪 I'm also very sensitive to ozone, so the air reports are important to me on many levels.  

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We are all interconnected indeed, I think when Vancouver had horrendous air a year or two ago, the fires were in Portland. This time we have fires to the south on the border and fires inland so feels like we are trapped and with a weather inversion, it is an ugly air week.

I agree it is important to check before heading out. I was stunned my boy yesterday was give PE class outside at school despite the very bad particulate levels in the air. Good thing he keeps an N95 on  him at all times.  Every day this week when I open the patio door to get some oxygen into our home the air quality monitors we have turn on warning lights within a minute or two and it smells bad. Our CO2 must be terrible inside (hard to choose what poison, CO2 or PM2.5)...

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Hi everyone! Great conversation and much to think about. Here's another article from IASLC that talks about air pollution and lung cancer. I hope you find it helpful.


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