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Residual effects of chemo/radiation


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Hi All,  so I’m almost five weeks post my last radiation treatment.  I’m still dealing with daily wretching, vomiting at times.  I started to be able to eat some things, and once I did, I no longer throw up yellow bile.  But if a certain smell hits me, there I go wretching.  

the biggest problem is the smell of my feces.  It is beyond bad.  What could be causing it?   My daughter says bacteria causes this smell.  Is this from the esophagus repairing itself, chemo damage, anyone had this problem.   I’m doing a CT scan today and meet w oncologist tomorrow to see if esophagus tumor is gone.  But I still fell like cramp and see no end to my misery



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@Kamoto, you are going through a helluva time. It sounds like the bloodwork is offering some clues; I'm glad you're going to see your oncologist.

I hear great things about palliative care teams. I hope you'll ask your doc about that tomorrow. Perhaps a dietician might also help?

The best thing I bought before treatment started was a blender, in the event that my esophagus got fried from treatment. I started with some Carnation Instant Breakfast and threw that and a bunch of other stuff into that blender. I'm still blending up my breakfast lo these many months later.

Sending strength,


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Hi Kamoto 

It sounds like a nightmare but you have fought hard to get where you are so keep fighting hopefully things will settle down soon and you will start to feel better all the best 


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When I was undergoing active treatment, I read that lavender was a soothing/calming scent. I asked my husband to buy me a lavender plant that I kept on my nightstand (I was pretty bed-bound at that point). Ginger and peppermint are also good scents. Maybe get some peppermint-flavored lip balm to focus your brain on that scent. Try only eating cold foods so you don't get a whiff when heating up or cooking food. 

For your bathroom, buy some PooPouri or M9 spray (made by Hollister). Both will make a big difference. 

In your case, I'm wondering whether an integrative medicine physician could be a good addition to your team. I really appreciated mine. The downside is that it's usually not covered by insurance. 

For me, nausea was worse than pain and I had plenty of it after my abdominal surgery. You can get through this. It does get better. 

P. S. I just learned about NOSA menthol nose plugs, which are used by nurses to mask objectionable odors. Available on Amazon. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started to eat a few weeks back.  Stopped throwing up every day.  I’ve even left the house to food shop and the smells didn’t kill me.  So I think 7 weeks after last radiation treatment I felt better.  Wish I could ski or snowmobile but need to regain more strength.  Thanks all.  My daughter works for homeopathic doctor and they wanted to help but I had started to feel better.  

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  • 2 months later...

Soon as I discussed with Homeopathic Doc, I turned the corner.  So I never used her services.  Thanks to Jimmy John turkey sandwiches with provolone cheese.  Since the Feb 14th post, it is now April 24th, I've put back ten pounds.  Once my taste buds returned, it was nice to be able to eat half a package of Chips A'Hoy with zero guilt.  Anything to put pounds back on was welcomed.  Going to sleep and feeling your skin stretching over your ribs was an uneasy feeling.  So to all those who think the residual effects of chemo/radiation last forever, hang in there.  Deadened senses when they are reawakening can be brutal to deal with.  Just takes time, and eventually you will back.  Would I do it again if the targeted drug stops working?  No way in hell.  That is suffering I wouldn't wish on anyone and I can't do it again.  I'm like the people in Naked and Afraid who just get broken down mentally.  As someone who had zero illnesses for 57 years, I'm not equipped to deal with health struggles 🙂



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