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Another inauguration to the Wives club--- at long last!


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Hello All,

Bob mc was the one who originally sent me here when I had called a support group after my husband’s surgery and prior to his chemo treatment last December – where do you go to meet other one-lungers? I think it was ALCASE, who put you in touch with someone who had had a similar experience to talk to. It was Bob mc who called and spoke to me and my husband. So I am also hoping he shows up here soon so I can thank him. Thanks Bob. :wink:

I was not sure if I would ever post on this board…sometimes I get sad just reading and feeling so much compassion, but must admit, in reading many of your caring and sharing of experiences, I have already received a lot of support and important information from your writings. While lurking around here for more than several months I have learned a lot about this disease and it’s lingo. I am still learning the power of positive thinking and being proactive. Thanks for the enlightenment you bring. So here is my story…

My Husband of 27 years had a right pneumonectomy the first week of November 2003. His internist found ‘something’ on a regular chest x-ray in Sept. ‘03; he was then referred to pulmonary dr.; had ct scan, pet scan, angio scan, pulmonary function tests and then referred to thoracic surgeon. He is 51 and never incapacitated a day in his life. His favorite sport has always been scuba diving/sport diving and all water sports, not to mention skiing, softball, etc. The month before surgery, we both had trouble sleeping and anxiety most of the days and nights. Sleeping pills helped a lot. So did some anti-anxiety meds. I managed to continue the quit-smoking program I had begun after 30+ years of this addiction to try and support his not smoking! (Lung cancer is a great motivator.) The day I went to the hospital with him for surgery was the hardest and longest ever before the surgeon finally came out 7-hours later and told me they took his whole right lung. He was home from the hospital after surgery in 4 days; on vicodene for 5 days, but then stopped because the side effects were worse than the pain. He was back to work just about 2 weeks after surgery on a partial basis, and has continued daily on his regular work schedule since December, except taking off early when chemo-fatigued. He was staged at 2b; clean margins; 4.6 cm right hilar tumor which was located on/near the pulmonary artery. I have felt like we have been in another world since October. I have been to every dr appointment since October with him as well as rooming in the hospital for the 4 days, except for his one day in ICU, to the follow up doctor visits with the surgeon, with the oncology center team and the follow up scans. He started chemo in December (carbo & gemzar) and completed the six treatments in mid-February. Then had a MRI brain scan, because of headaches during chemo - NORMAL!!! PET scan and MRI show clean!! Procit injections continued for 2X over 4 weeks until the red blood cell count went up. He is scheduled for another CT scan next week. I have found even our few close family members and friends do not realize how much this disease has become part of our lives. Even though we look quite normal, ‘it’ is always in some part of our awareness.

So far, as hard and scary as everything has been, I am thankful that everything has gone so well. I am feeling the anxiety of next week’s scan time and have renewed the anxiety meds...as I am the positive part of our team; he is always quoting the statistics and I quote back from what I learn here – i.e., he is right now a NED (No Evidence of Disease)!! Although I may not be a regular poster, I wanted to share my gratitude with all of you for the help and advice you are providing everyday to those who are ‘watching’ and learning.


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Welcome, glad you have come out of the shadows. Sorry you have to be here. If you talk to Bob let him know we are concerned and missing him.

Any how welcome to the club no one wants to be a part of, we are glad you are here.



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Hi DonnaB from Donna G. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. I think it is so great that your hubby is keeping company with NED . Now please keep us posted on the scans.

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That is GREAT about the NED and thank you so much for writing. I have learned a tremedous lot here, too, and it is so good to have somewhere to go to ask a question and also not to feel so alone in the situation.

I have been to nearly every appt and procedure since January, too. His siblings have gone the other times, they want to help. My hubby thinks I hover too much but then when I say I am going to the store or something he doesn't want me to go. He's my sweetie, I am so glad we have each other.

Best of luck and be sure to check in now and then and share that things continue to go so well.

Margaret in Iowa

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Welcome, Donna. PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) - sounds like you're doing well in a new and scary area. I am glad that we have helped you in your journey and your mental well being - and doubly glad that you know that some things are just too much to handle without chemistry! :wink:

Take care, good luck on those scans and please, stop in often.


aka Snowflake

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Welcome, Donna.

You are right, nobody knows what an impact cancer makes on ones life until it happens to them.

I am so happy for the good results your husband has had to date. I think it's wonderful.

I wish continued good scans and close relationship with NED.

Keep us posted,



Prayers, always.

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I always try and wish everyone good luck with everything...

but it looks like you guys already have luck on your side! Congrats for the good news...

Aw heck, Ill throw ya some good luck anyway

Good Luck!!!


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