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I would ask for a hall pass, but . . .

Remembering Dave

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. . . . but Dave and I haven't been very regular on the board lately so maybe no one would miss us anyway!

We're heading to Hatteras, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, this Thursday afternoon, for a long Memorial Day weekend down there. Dragging the travel trailer, taking the two choc. labs and one precious little Chinese angel named Faith. In fact, we are introducing Faith to the ocean and the beach!

This will be our first real "vacation" since coming home with Faith, since Dave was diagnosed with lung cancer - since being a family! I keep telling Dave instead of four days in Hatteras, I feel like I won two weeks in Hawaii!

Anyway, can you give us an honoray hall pass, Ry? This is one trip that is truly appreciated, and may I say, deserved?

God Bless us all,

Karen C.

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I'm thinking there may be another fundraising opportunity here if you post a pic of David in his bikini. :P Ok, Karen, you can have a long weekend pass but only cause it's the Carolina ocean...my favorite place.

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Have a wonderful trip!!! This is a popular time for get aways.

Ry, I need a hall pass too. :oops: I tried SO hard to get out of it :P I told Brian that too many hall passes were being handed out, so my request was denied and I was therefore forced by lungcancerhood to have to pay for internet access at a hotel to check in. I was like what can I do :roll:

Brian's response astounded me :shock:

He cracked up laughing and told me I was funny :shock:

Gosh darn it, somehow he knew my attendance daily was not required and that I was just trying to con him into making him feed on my obsessive compulsive need to check the board. Men! :x:P

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Who are you kidding?? Did you EVER get a vote??? We let you vote about the little rat dog only because it really wasn't important...

I come back from out of town and here David thinks he has a say in things...Ry, Becky, anyone.. what is going on?? :shock:

By the way, I don't want to be a post jacker so have a good time David & Karen. :lol: :lol: My son saw the ocean for the first time last week and I couldn't keep him out of the water!!

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You need to be a bit more adventurous...you and your hubby and Faith should just "skip class", not worry about the pass, and have a wonderful time...

DON'T forget the sunscreen. (Can't help it...due to circumstances beyond my control I am stuck in Mom Mode bigtime. It's going to require a vacation with no phones, faxes, email, and being 3000 miles from home to get me out of it this time.)

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Don't you worry, Fay - plenty of sunscreen here. I don't know if you remember, but I'm a Stage II melanoma survivor - detected smack dab in the middle of Dave's treatments last year. Our plan is to put on plenty of sunscreen, go out on the beach only in the early morning, etc. I bought one of those expensive sunscreen shirts - looks like thick white mesh, but keeps the bad UV or whatever light out. I'm not even wearing bathing suit (no one would want me to anyway LOL), either capris or some "swim shorts" I found at the beach, with my sunscreen shirt and a t-shirt on under it. Same for Dave - and of course Faith. In fact, I only bought the 45spf for kids for all of us to use!

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We had an awesome time on the Outer Banks. Faith absolutely loved the ocean and the beach. The surf was even a bit rough but she wasn't at all afraid of the crashing waves. She laughed and tried to stomp on all the waves! And she really liked walking in the sand, too. We stayed at a nice KOA right on the beach, and she went barefoot the entire weekend. She also become Miss Independent which was just fine with me! Walked everywhere, mostly holding the leash and walking our very overweight 13 year old lab, Maddy, which Faith called My Manny, she just hugged and bonded with Maddy so much which was very cute. She also made Dave very happy by calling every boat she saw "Daddy's boat."

Dave did great, too, although I could tell his normal energy level is not there yet. But I feel it's a real blessing and miracle just to be able to make this trip. And no, Dave didn't wear a bikini, sorry to disappoint anyone looking for Dave in Drag In a Bikini photos - it's ain't happening! Hopefully this evening he'll post a new photo on our avatar, maybe one of him holding Faith on the beach.

God Bless everyone,

Karen C.

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