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I just got back from taking my Dad for a chemo treatment and I would like your opinions on something that happened today. First of all, the way our tx center is set up, there are four tx chairs in a group.......pretty close to each other. Now, there was a lady sitting next to my Dad who was asking if she should see the doctor before tx. She was experiencing some "drawing" on one side of her mouth. The nurse came back with her chart and said that Dr. S. was on vacation, but her latest MRI did show that she had seven brain mets. She went on to say that other tumors had shrunk, but the chemo doesn't work for brain mets..............you know the spill. They discussed radiation and decadron with the Dr. on call. Well, this poor lady just broke down right then and there. I don't blame her.

Now, on to my question........do you think it was appropriate for the nurse to tell the patient right there in front of everyone else?? I sure didn't.(And YES, I let them know it!!) Is that standard medical practice?? Geesh, we haven't been fighting this cancer that long, but I have never seen that happen before. I very politely told Dad's nurse about he incident and asked her to make a note on his chart that NO NEWS be given while we have an audience. Dad's nurse said that she was going to get the charge nurse for me to discuss it with..............yep, you guessed it, the flippin' charge nurse was the one who had told the lady about the brain mets. :roll: I did discuss it with her. She said that she didn't see a problem with what had happened. I told her that it was a violation of the HIPA policy to do what she had done. At least 12 people heard and saw what happened. Maybe I am overly sensitive and overly protective of my Dad, but I will NOT allow him to be treated as that woman was. Now, in defense of the tx center where we go, up until now, they have been wonderful........helpful, caring and compassionate. BUT, this I did not like. What do you guys think? Am I being overly sensitive?? Was I wrong to bring it up? I value your opinions..........you keep me grounded. :wink:




Talk to the receptionist and get the office manager and file your complaint with him/her. Tell the doctor, as well. That is FAR from ethical and far from legal. If the 12 people in question were people the female patient had brought to an appointment, that would be one thing, but the people in the treatment center are NOT covered with a consent form.

The nurse GIVING that information was wrong, as well. I would think that if a patient has questions about headaches and doesn't know about brain mets (not sure if the patient knew they were there or if that was a "new" discovery) that than was a very thoughtless way to let her know. VERY unprofessional...and that kind of behavior needs to be noted in the NURSE'S file.

I doubt I'd be happy if the patient was me - first with the news and second with the delivery. SOoOooooo "not cool"....

...as for the center being wonderful before this incident, try to get it back to that by complaining about behavior that is not satisfactory. That should NEVER happen again.

Just my nickel...




I agree with you. They can be so stupid even the Drs. twice when I have been to our chemo room Drs have come in speaking in to some recording device. They are giving out information to everyone in the room about the patient they just saw. I hate it and refuse to listen to what they say. Our chemo room can have 15 patients in the room at one time. The is really inconsiderate and unfeeling on any ones part to give that infuriation to an open room of people.



Well it is also a violation of the new HIPPA law and could result in a major fine (much more than my ten dollar ones I hand out). Not sure if you have to be the patient violated to make the complaint or not. If you want me to I can check it out for you and tell you how to file. My gosh they can't even leave your name out on a sign in list any more and they think they can discuss personal info in a full room?

One day we were at our cancer center and the doctor we fired had to come in to see a patient. Now he did pull a curtain but somehow it wasn't the Get Smart cone of silence he thought it was :roll: . Then the putz went to the nurses station and proceeded to dictate it all out (just in case anyone missed it :roll: ). I said to John that is so incredibly disrespectful, that is why we don't go to that putz anymore. Oh and I forgot to pull the curtain so I think I was heard.

Anyway, my company comes under the HIPAA law and if you want me to see how to file the complaint I will get with our privacy officer.


Guest Phyllis

I was in the chair next to this poor old man when the nurses told him the chemo was no longer working. He had no family so they said they would call hospice for him. I felt so bad for him. They said it quietly but still that was horrible for him and I didn't want to hear it either.


Thank you! I didn't think I was being too sensitive about that. And yes, Becky, it was a new discovery for the lady. She told the nurse, "Well, I guess we now know that it wasn't some kind of stroke that I had!" Poor lady.......I felt so bad for her. And to top it all off, the person who came with her had left to go get a drink and came back to find her in tears. She heard all of this from a nurse, with an audience and no one there with her. Ry, get me the info please. I might not file a complaint this time. I will give them a chance since it was brought to their attention by me. Now, if it happens again, I will raise a "ruckous"!! Thank you for responding.



This is interesting b/c I have seen it a few times in a different setting. When my mom had surgery in Los Angeles and when my dad had his colonoscopy in Orange County. Both times we noted that some doctors come out and talk to the family right in the waiting room, so I got to finde out that someone was "lucky" in their mediastonoscpy and was IIB and they were removing the tumor right then and there. Another time, I heard a IIIB. My dad and I thought it was terrible how teh doctors did not even take the family aside.

For the colonoscopy, while waiting, some doctors again came out and told what they saw right in the middle of the waiting rooom. Thankfully my dad's dr called us in. It just is wierd and rude to tell the news in front of everyone. I don't get the common sense of it all.


I'm so glad you said something. How inconsiderate! And uncomfortable for everyone else in the room. If you're up for it, I do hope you'll report it.


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