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TBone's Pain Control


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Good Evening, Everybody;

Terry had a very rough night but has slept most of the day. Katha (TeeTaa) took off a little before lunch to go down and give Ann a break. I'm sure she'll post more information when she gets back home.

She's bringing Terry's daughter back with her to surprise her girls. Actually the little one, Livi, told her to bring her something back. When Katha asked what, Livi said "A cousin." So Katha asked which one and Livi replied "It doesn't matter, just a cousin.". A whole bunch of us may play hooky Friday and go to White Water and have a little fun. That way I get to spoil my nieces and nephews.

The nicknames:

TBone-he's allergic to fish and whenever Daddy's company would drain a pond and have a huge fish fry, he would get a steak. I lay claim to starting to call him that. Also tried to convince them I was allergic to fish. Didn't work....

ViVi-Her name is Virginia Inez (aka Ginger) (don't tell her I told you about the Inez part) Katha started calling her that really early in Katha's childhood. Katha is 13 years younger than Vivi.

Teacake-me, Fran. I'm known far and wide for the southern teacakes that I make. (Grandma's recipe)

Crawfish-Guy Crawford, brother.

TeeTaa-Katha. First niece couldn't say Katha so it became TeeTaa, sometimes TaaTee.

Gigi-Ginger's (Vivi) daughter. Name is Virginia, also.

Livi-Olivia, Katha's youngest. A diminutive form reminiscent of Vivi.

Here's the rundown on the whole family: 1 st gen:Mama (Matha-yep, there's no "r" in it., Daddy (Dozier). 2nd gen: Cathy, Ginger (Vivi), Terry Dozier (TBone), Fran (Teacake), Guy (Crawfish), Katha (TeeTaa). 3rd gen (in chronological order): Coulter, Jacob, Kali, Dozier, Caleb, Gigi, Elliott, Anna, Abby, Livi.

In-laws:2nd gen: Fred, Bobby, Ann, Bob (quasi-just strongly attached)Tina, John. 3rd gen: Amos.

More than you asked for? Sorry, but it's hard to figure out where to stop where this family is concerned.


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I must have missed something. I was so upset to know that Tbone was to the point with his pain that he has decided on hospice. Since that is his decision I am sure it is the right one for him. My main concern now is that he be out of pain. Tell him I think of him all the time and have him in my prayers.

Our family has a Motha as well...we don't even pronouce the "a" ...we southerners have to stick together.

My stomach is in knots...all of you remind me of my own family and it feels like family is sick.


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I am praying that Terrys pain is under control quickly... I know Hospice folks are very sweet and caring and his stay there will be SHORT... get that pain under control and bring that man home!!!

In all seriousness, I do believe he will be under God's watchful eye and feeling better soon. Send him my best.

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Fortunately, TBone has been out of pain since Wednesday morning. I won't even tell you the mg of methadone, morphine, and atavan that were put into his system in a 12 hour period . . . you probably wouldn't believe it anyway. But suffice it to say that I don't think he was feeling much of anything when I got there yesterday around 1:00 in the afternoon. In fact, he even told me that he thought he could slam his hand in the door and not even know it. (Of course the baby sister in me was tempted to test his theory, especially given that I figured I could outrun him, but instead I did the grown-up thing and just nodded my head.)

Unfortunately, he's a bit "out of it" still, so he's not able to go home just yet. He's not talking non-sensibly or anything (at least no more so than big brothers ever do!) but things just seem to be in slow motion, you might say. He's eaten some today, and knows full well that this course of action is the best one to take in order to enjoy some good quality pain-free time with his family.

Y'all just don't know what I'd give to have him well enough to put his butt on a plane and take him up to the Michigan bash next week . . . I think such a gathering might even have as good an effect as our recent fishing trip!

Thanks so much for your well wishes - I've passed them along to him. His daughter is up here with me for a few days, and she and I have talked a lot about the LCHELP website. It's quite clear that he speaks of you all very often and is so very fond of you. She and I have a special little something planned - keep your eyes out for my avatar to change soon!



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Thanks for the update. I can't help but do a little crying, but don't tell Terry. I am glad he is out of pain and that your little one got her wish: you brought her a cousin!. I know you will take good care of her and help her through this most trying of times. I love you all.


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I am so glad to hear that T-Bone is pain free. I can imagine how tough it must have been for you and your family to see him in pain and not be able to do anything. Looking forward to reading his posts when he goes home.


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I am so glad Terri is not in pain anymore. I am sure it will make him a bit groggy but hey thats okay, better than pain any day!! We miss him here but we all know what a wonderfully supportive family you are and that he is surrounded by love. Give him ours too!!

God Bless Youi All,


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Thank you for the update, I am glad that T is more comfortable now. I am also glad that is not 'out of it'. Please let him know we're all thinking of him...also thank you for the post regarding where all of your nicknames came from-it makes me feel like I know you better, somehow. Anyway, Terry is in my prayers-you all are. Take care, Deb

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Tell Tbone it's ok to give me a call when he gets home. I just started on morphine myself and we can talk REAL slow to each other. :) (Not to worry, I can call him 'cause I have one of those "one price, unlimited minutes" long distance plans! :))


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

I thought I had posted but see I haven't. Know that since the first post, I've been praying and sending hope to Tbone and all the family.


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