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God's purpose???


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Two people were talking about God and the why's and how's of this life and world we have.One person said if God is so great and loving why does he allow all the pain and misery in the world.

Well the other person thought long and hard for a answer.He thought if i say it's because of Satan those who do not believe in him will not except that and if i say it's because God gave us all free choice they will say that he as a wise and all knowing God who would have known better than to do that to us,so what is the answer i should give.

Finally after in a quiet moment of prayer to God he felt inspired to give this answer.......It's because he love's us and in his all in all knowledge he know's we can some time's only understand him as human's through pain and suffering for with out it we would become spoiled pampered brat's with no appreaciation for any thing but thing's of this world and not of the spiritual world which is Eternal.

OK everyone what is your thought's on this story.......


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I think it is beyond a human being to understand the mind of God or even the ways of nature but to a certain extent. For all we know, we are the ants on some pebble under a microscope ...

But I do believe we are more than that and I believe there is a rhyme and rhythm to our lives though I do not know it. I believe pain and illness and joy and laughter and love and all of it is part of experience of being alive, for every living thing, as there is suffering in the animal world, too.

So I guess I don't think God necessarily sends us these things, I think they just are.


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My answer to the first guy would be that God is great and loving but even that isn't enough to prevent all pain and suffering. Evil is just a mistake waiting to be fixed by the combined resources of God and us. Same with suffering. God wills it no more so than we do. So let's battle it.


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All I know is that pain does tend to bring people closer to God. When there is no relief, God is the only hope left to help us. My husband was in so much pain last week, we were praying so hard for God to take his pain away. He was begging and finally it has subsided to the point that it can be controlled somewhat.(with meds) Since then, Rob's legs have given out, he is now bedridden waiting to die and go to God. He is ready to go now, and he is asking God to take him. He feels at peace now so he wants to go. We now have to be patient and wait for God's timing.......


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After going through a valley , it sure helps you appreciate the mountain tops. Perhaps the contrast is necesary in order to appreciate perfection. Donna G

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It was your reply to Bruce that got me here and I am sure glad I came. My husband always says the same thing. It's the bad times we learn from. I also know it to be true but sometimes in the valley it doesnt seem you will ever see the Mountain top again ... thats where our faith needs to kick in. I thank you so much for sharing this. I have copied it and sent it to my whole family.

God Bless You,


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Oh, Fay....my regret is that I didn't have a chance to meet her in person, IMAGINE what her aura must have been in real life if it was so bright over the wires!

If I was a bazillionaire, I'd pay for everyone to meet in some "perfect" place where we could all enjoy nature and nuture and just RELAX....ya know?

Trudging back up the side of the mountain...

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