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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Good to hear things are going well and his treatment is on the countdown! I'll continue my prayers for him and your family!
  2. Hope this new procedure works its magic and gets rid of the pain. If you have doubts about the care you are recieving from your oncologist, firing her is the exact thing to do. Glad you made this choice. You know, warm fuzzies and personality go a long way in making a doctor successful. Dennis' oncologist was a wonderful doctor plus a really warm and fuzzy man. Everyone at MD Anderson referred to him as "the big teddy bear." His approach made us feel as if he was a friend who really cared about Dennis as a person and not just another case or statistic. I'm also glad to hear about the support group! I think this is great! I'll be saying prayers that the phenobarbital works wonders!
  3. What would you say true love is? Have your thoughts about true love changed from when you were very young?
  4. Wow, I am so sorry you have to deal with all this. I guess it's things like this that we don't think of when we think of the aftermath of the hurricane and its devastation...and I live in Florida. You know, I'm always hesitant to give any type of medical-related advice on this board but I have to say that I think you should consider caring for him in your home, circumstamces allowing. I would think that you could better limit the risk of coming into contact with infections if you were home in an environment you could control. How in the world can this doctor be even the least bit hesitant about ordering something for his mouth discomfort? Hey...if there is something out there (which there definitely is) that can limit pain and discomfort, why would anyone be at all hesitant to prescribe it? I know you have some tough decisions to make regarding your husbands care so be strong. I'll be saying prayers.
  5. Pat, always remember that you and Brian are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know how you feel right now and it isn't a good feeling. Just try and focus on miracles and remember they can and do happen!
  6. Without a doubt, my band teacher. I started playing clarinet in the fifth grade. Mr. Collins was young and had beautiful brown eyes. All of the girls loved him. He was very intelligent...MENSA member....and I was a little redneck gal from the hills of East Tennessee. He was my band director all through high school. Through his guidance and instruction, our band won many championships during those years. He introduced us to classical music and many of the worlds finer things. I will be eternally grateful to him for truly broadening my horizons.
  7. Ann

    Dad Getting Married

    Kim, I know how hard and long this road has been for you. I can remember the very day when you first posted about your dad seeing this woman. I am so proud of you! I know how hard this has all been for you and there may still be some rough times down the road, as you begin this new phase of your life. Just remember that your mom will never truly be "gone" as she will live forever in your heart and memories. You know, Kim...your dad's bride probably has no desire to be taking anyones place. She probably wants to be herself and be loved for who she is...not take your moms place. You know no one will ever be able to replace your mom. I'm so glad that you are happy for your dad! You know Kim, if I had ever had a daughter, I would have wanted her to be just like you!!! I am so proud of you!!!
  8. Ann

    Colors and memories

    Lil...my heart and thoughts are with you right now. These anniversaries can be so very hard to deal with. I am glad that you are having some very good memories of the time you and Johnny spent together. You know, we don't really need "signs" anymore to let us know that our guys are watching over us. There's just a constant feeling in our hearts that let us know they're always right here with us. I'm so glad such beautiful sights and colors are able to trigger such beautiful memories of love for you!
  9. Ann

    Laurianne Koning

    I am so very sad to read of the loss of your daughter. I can't even begin to comprehend how terribly hard it must be to lose a child. I pray that God will comfort you and that sweet baby.
  10. I am so sorry that you are having a bad experience with Hospice. Just give it a bit more time and things may improve. I know that I was bitter with the world when Hospice entered my home to help care for Dennis. Yes, I was thankful for the help and the pain management but I was bitter and angry that his illness had reached this level. It took me a few days to get my head on straight and realize that the Hospice caregivers were very nice and caring people. I was highly resentive, at first, when they gave me all the literature about preparing for "the end." I didn't want to hear that and was not anywhere ready to read about it or discuss it. If things don't improve after a few days, then by all means request a different nurse or switch to a different Hospice. I'm saying prayers for you and your mom!
  11. Becky, thank you so much for attending and being such a wonderful representative for our group. I think everytime we spread the word to just one person, we are making great strides, as that person will pass the word on to someone else.
  12. Other than your family, who made the biggest impact on your life when you were a child?
  13. There are more than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Some of these chemicals are also found in wood varnish, the pesticide DDT, arsenic, nail polish remover and rat poison. Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
  14. Oh Fay...I know how frustrated you must be. You put so much effort into preparing for this. I can't blame you for not driving in all that rain. Here in Florida, we have had so much rain this year that the ground is absolutely staurated. Just a little rain causes standing water and I'm really paranoid to drive through standing water. You know, there will be another event that you can attend and put all of this hard work to great use! Don't feel bad and beat yourself up over this one! Your heart was in the right place and we all love you for it!
  15. Ann

    Melanie Russ

    Oh, I am so sorry to read this news. Your sister , Melanie, was so very special to all of us. When thisgs looked hopeless, there she was...posting five things to be positive about and grateful for. God certainly received an angel in his midst when our deasa, sweet Melanie entered into His kingdom. Please know how very sorry I am for your loss.
  16. Ann

    Blessing ABC's .......

    "O" has to be for all the dedicated oncologists out there who help patients fight their battles with lung cancer.
  17. I think it's very important to remember to "give and take" and find a happy medium in any relationship. I feel as if Peggy could have been writing for me. Dennis and I used to argue over the little things and differences. Finally, we found a middle ground and realized how very unimportant most of these little things really were. I think respect, trust and understanding are all very important ingredients in any relationship. I also think it's very important to stop and think before putting ones' mouth in gear and saying things you might regret. I have a temper that gets out of control easily. Dennis was more laid back and it took a lot to get his temper raised. He would always say to me...."stop and think about what you're doing." I can hear him saying those words right now!!!
  18. Heather, I am so very sorry to hear that you mom is not doing well. However, it is a blessing that her pain level in manageable and she is not in pain. I know how hard it is when you make that call to Hospice. Inside you feel so hopeless and helpless. Please remember that I am keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. This is a very difficult time for you right now. Please take very good care of yourself and that precious little guy that's growing inside you!
  19. I think Ry is definitely on the right track. Right now, they know they have your love and support and are probably very understanding, considering the distance between you. Right now, I would also follow Shirleys suggestion and see if some of their friends could drop in and check on them when family can't be there. Hopefully your in-laws will be accepting of help with household chores. Sometimes, seniors have a really hard time accepting "strangers" in their homes and that makes things even more difficult to work out. Hope things can work out!
  20. Ann

    My brother Mark...

    Donna, I am so very sorry. May you somehow find peace in knowing that Mark is now at peace. I know your heart is broken.
  21. So sorry you've been in the hospital. Hope you're feeling much better now. I'm so glad you were able to inform the hospital and medical staff thet this is LC Awareness Month!!! Maybe they'll remember and pass the info along. Amazing how LC is still in the "closet."
  22. Since we're all excited over the wonderful LCSC Cookbooks, I have a question for you today about ingredients. In your opinion, what are the key ingredients for a successful marriage or relationship?
  23. Since Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, I thought we could all list a few of our blessings. I'll go first and name a blessing for me that satrts with the letter "A" Next person will list one that starts with "B" and so on.... "A" is for my Angel of a friend, Sue
  24. This has been discussed here recently and if you look at LC In The News you will find a very informative article from Fay. I just wanted to add that my friend who has recently been disgnosed with LC was also told he has H Pylori.
  25. Ralph...good to hear from you. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. Hopefully, you'll be feeling better soon. I'm saying prayers that you are!
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