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Everything posted by Ann

  1. OMG...Can't believe I missed these! Happy Birthday to two wonderful and very special gals! Hope your day was very special!!!
  2. Hey gal...PM me with the address of that joint! I'll have you something sent in for dinner tonight!!!
  3. I would probably visit with my best friend, Sue. We could just kick back and spend the entire day talking about all the fun we've had together doing wacky things!
  4. For 25 years, Dennis made his own Kahlua for the holidays. He would always make sure that he had it made and bottled by December 1st, so that it had time to sit in the dark and get perfect by Christmas Eve. He would brag that his Kahlua would "grow hair on your chest." This stuff was so good that we actually had friends request a bottle as a Christmas gift. So, I thought I would share his recipe with you. I plan on going home tonight and making a big batch in memory of Dennis. You will need: Dark glass bottles or jars 1/3 cup good instant coffee 3-1/2 cups sugar 2 cups water Whole vanilla bean 1 quart vodka Heat coffee, sugar and water until the coffee and sugar are completely dissolved. Slice open one whole vanilla bean and place in large jug, bottle or jar. For best results, glass should be dark. Add the coffee syrup misture and 1 quart vodka. Cap and age for about one month. Hope you will try this and enjoy as much as we have over the years. When you take a sip, please think of my Dennis!!!
  5. Pat and Brian...I think you have a positively wonderful game plan going. It's great to concentrate on living versus the alternative! The two of you seem to always work things out so beautifully. I'm keeping steadfast in my prayers for you!
  6. I know that every family has holiday traditions that are very special and unique to their families. Since we are one big, close knit family here at LCSC, I thought it might be neat for each of us to share a special tradition that is important to your family. Who's first????
  7. You guys are tough..... Mask (ing) tape
  8. Ann

    A new cure??????

    Wow...I like the sounds of that word....CURE!!! Let us know when you hear more! Hope you're having a good day!
  9. Isn't it just amazing what people have to say? I heard so many of the same type of things when Dennis was ill. Can't people understand that cancer patients and their families are fighting and need to keep their spirits high? You know, my mom used to be a firm believer in that old phrase, "if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all." Well, I think a similar phrase would be in order for cancer patients and their families. "If you can't say something positive, yet comforting, just keep your blankety-blank mouth shut." I'm sure the doctor will get Joel back on track! I'll be praying that he's feeling better and that your friends are more sensitive!!!
  10. Bunny and Suki...it sounds like everything is going great! Bunny...don't kid yourself. I know you would be absolutely thrilled for your mom to belt out a song for all the world to hear! Heck with a sound proof room! Suki, just keep up this great progress!!
  11. Bunny...I would have done just as you did. Why worry someone that is already stressed to the max with something that may be nothing at all. As a mom of three grown sons, I know that I worry about anything and everything in thewir lives. My youngest son just had pain all weekend from an impacted wisdom tooth. You should have seen me calling and cooking soup...lol!
  12. If you had a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do?
  13. Ann

    Good News

    Very good news! It sounds as if your doctor is right on top of things. I know how much better you must feel after hearing this news. Thanks for letting us know!
  14. I know I haven't been around much for the past few days but I have noticed that I haven't seen a post from Larry lately. Has anyone heard from him? So...Larry...if you read this just want you to know that we miss you and hope both you and your wife are doing fine. Please post!!!!
  15. Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several members did not approve of her extra curricular activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front ot the town's only bar one afternoon. She emphatically told George and several others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing. Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred's house..walked home...and left it there all night. Don't you just love 'ol George!
  16. Pat...this recipe is the absolute best. I have made it five times since you posted it and I think it's better every single time. My boys have always been big mac 'n cheese fans but they all three say this is the best! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe with us. I'm keeping you and Brian in my prayers!!!
  17. I guess I'll bite at this one. I seemed to go through a lot of years where I had lots of disagreements with my parents. Most of them were over the usual things...clothes, boys and especially how long I stayed on the telephone. I think the telephone was probably the major thing that caused te most disagreements. This will definitely age me, but can you believe that we were on a party line? We lived out in the hills of Tennesssee and I think in the beginning, we were on a four party line. You would just pick up the phone and hear other peoples conversations. I was never into eavesdropping, probably because there was nothing very "juicy" going on in my little town. I used to want to talk with all my friends for long periods of time but my mom was constantly reminding me that someone else might want to use the phone. Today, I can definitely see my parents point of view but as a parent, I think there are so many worse things a child can be doing than chatting on the phone.
  18. Ann

    Crazy Drug Companies

    Beth, I am so glad to hear that Bill is doing well. As I said, I think of you both so often. Your posts have so touched my heart and it seems that each one has brought back so many feelings for me. I know that Bill must feel at ease after being able to fulfill his fathers wishes. It's often so very hard to let things go undone. I think you are a wonderful wife and caregiver. It sounds like Bill definitely had big doses of the very best medicine....LOVE!!!! I'm always remembering you in my prayers!
  19. These are too funny!!! Thanks for the smile!
  20. Ann

    How Did it Go?

    I am so sorry for all the pain and emptiness all of you are feeling at this time of year. This is my third Thanksgiving without Dennis and the feeling of being alone was still as strong as ever, even though my house was full of people. My good friend, Mark, was with us this year. He and Dennis grew up together and were best friends through life. He has been unable to join us for holidays past, as he was a caregiver for his mother for 12 long years. She was an Alzheimer patient and he just lost her a couple months ago. During dinner, Mark began to tell one Dennis story after another. He has us all laughing so hard the tears were rolling down our faces. My Dennis was quite a character and he and Mark bear a striking resembleance in both looks and voice. They grew up in New York City and both always had that great accent. I believe that Dennis was looking down on his family and friends during dinner. I really miss him and would give everything I own for just one big, long hug!!!!
  21. Karen, I'm glad you were able to spend Thanksgiving with your mom and make some beautiful memories. It sounds like she's a real trooper and determined to make the most of life. Glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better and have help with precious little Faith. I know you will feel much better after you have this procedure done. Yes, I know how lonely these "do nothing" days can be. I think they're the worst to deal with. I'm sending positive vibes your way and saying lots of prayers for you and your mom!
  22. Cyndy....so glad you had such a beautiful day. Releasing the snowflake balloon was such a wonderful tribute to such a great life together. I am glad your children were able to be with you. I know whenever we all get together we find it's a great opportunity to share some great Dennis stories. I'm so glad you had a happy day!
  23. Waht a beautiful baby! I can tell from the picture that you are just bubbling over with joy!!! Gavin...just wanted to be the first to let you know what a loving Grandma you have!!!
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