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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Hi Lisa. Welcome to our group. Sorry you had to be here but this is definitely a great place for lots of information and support. I see you're a Tennessee girl. I live in Florida now but spent 30 years of my life just outside of Knoxville. Tina, a great board member, also lives in Tennessee. I hope you can find a solution for your mom's taste problems.
  2. Keep it up! Ensure is very good. Dennis liked the taste of Boost better than Ensure but both are very good. I became quite creative using the Boost. We added ice cream and made lots of shakes! Yum!!!!
  3. Ann

    Mom's journey

    I am so very sorry.
  4. TAnn, I'm thinking of you and so hoping that today is a much better day for you. So sorry you had such a rough weekend. I'm saying prayers that you'll be feeling much better!
  5. Geri...I'll have to try that one, also. I just love spinach. This is so funny beacuse as a child, I hated spinach. My mom used to tell the funniest story about me, as a baby, and spinach. She had just cleaned her kitchen (everything white), scrubbed the floor, bathed me and put me in the high chair. She gave me a big bite of baby food (spinach) and I instantly puckered my lips and made a big spewing noise. My mom said there were little green specks all over me, her and the kitchen. Everywhere she looked for days, she would find a little green speck. Funny, now I love spinach!!!
  6. Glad to hear tommorrow is last WBR treatment. It sounds like he has a great attitude and is ready to keep fighting. I will be saying prayers that everything goes great and all the treatments are successful!
  7. Just for fun, let's all post our replies from this. Hey...we need something to make us smile. http://members.aol.com/frogiearno/dearsanta.htm
  8. This forum is a big help for me. When I am down, it helps to remind me that there are people experiencing many of the same emotions that I am. Talking about Dennis helps me to feel better,because everyone has such happy memories of his sense of humor. I always wind up laughing. Volunteer work also helps me to realize how much worse things could be.
  9. Ann


    Lil, I am so glad that you're a part of my life. You have taught me so very much about being strong and exhibiting courage. You have seen so many hard times in your life and have endured things that many of us could not endure. Your passion for life and your determination to follow your heart was able to lead you back to Johnny after so very many hears of being unhappy. Although the time you spent with Johnny was brief, I am sure that your time together was a part of God's plan. Not only do you often help many of us but your day-to-day work of helping others is something that is to be praised. As I have often told you, I am so proud of all the progress you have made since I first met you. Thanks for being you! We all have to help each other along this journey of life. Some of us walk very different paths but still we need each other for support!
  10. Geri, I plan on trying your crab dip recipe as part of my Christmas eve buffet. It sounds absolutely yummy! Thanks for the recommendation, Ginny
  11. Ann

    Cure Today Magazine

    This is a wonderful magazine, I strongly encourage anyone that is not currently recieving Cure to sign up for a subscription today! I always find so much valuable information. If i hear of someone in my area that's recently diagnosed with cancer, I share the last copy I recieved with them. Then, they can get their own subscription.
  12. Shirley, thank you for all you do to help each of us feel better when we need lifting up! Please, keep that heartfelt love and support coming our way!!!!
  13. If the doctor gives you the Z-Pack it should help to knock things out of your system really fast. I think Katie gave really great advice about the mask and gloves until you're really over the cold. I have used Airborne and found that it really only helps if you take it before you really come down with the cold. It is a really great idea and a great suggestion to keep in mind. Just remember that the more rest you get, the faster you'll be over this. Don't push yourself too hard, although I know you miss being around your dad right now.
  14. What types of things do you do to keep your mind off your problems and/or grief? Are there certain activities that help you cope?
  15. Ann

    Holiday Help

    These are some really good, well thought suggestions. Thaks for thinking of us and posting this, Donna. You are always so very thoughtful.
  16. Ann


    Susan, I know how hard these "firsts" can be on us. I have no real advice on how to make these times better, as I am about to go through my third Christmas without Dennis and seem to have made little progress in dealing with the pain. I pray that you will be able to find some peace in remembering good memories and happier times.
  17. Ann

    Bill Slovacek

    Beth, my heart is breaking with yours.
  18. Saying prayers for your mom!
  19. Thanks for this post, Gail. I think it's something I really needed to read today! Keep up this fighting attitude and share more motivational posts like this with us!!!
  20. Fay, I hope things are all straightened out with you soon! Saying lots of prayers.
  21. Leslie, I am so very glad to find that you're feeling better about this entire thing. You always have such a great attitude and it really worried me to see you so down, although I can understand how very worried you were. I think that the hot pink mask will be a perfect color choice for you!
  22. Ann


    What a beautiful poem. I know you must be a very proud mom!
  23. Beqautiful song, Berisa. Thanks for sharing!
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