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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Christmas always makes us feel a lot of love. Tell us about the things you love at Christmas.
  2. Ann


    Pat, please take Ry's advice and call today. Brian needs to be pain free and you need to get some rest. If you get sick, who will care for Brian? Honey, I know it is hard to make the call to begin Hospice. They may have to work you into their schedule. Maybe if you call today, they can be there for you on Monday. They also have to order meds. In our case, the meds were shipped directly to our house. They could get a lot of the necessary things done ahead of time and be ready to start next week. Honey, please remember to take care of yourself.
  3. Although this is a very beautiful and blessed time of year for most people, we have to stop and remember that there are many people that are in much pain and suffering. Christmas can be a very hard time for many people to get through. All of us have one common bond. Our lives have been deeply affected by cancer. Some of us are patients, some are caregivers and others have lost loved ones to this terrible disease. We are tied together by this bond. Given the choice, none of us would choose this path. Since we have no choice, we will walk together. We will support each other in good times and bad. We will cheer each other on and we will cry when someone stumbles or falls. We will pray sincere prayers for each other. Although one member, this is how I see our wonderful little LCSC family. I would ask each of you to say a prayer for all members of our family, in hopes that each would find peace during this special time of year. Thanks to each of you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful family. I pray that God will richly bless each of you and fill your hearts with the true spirit of Christmas.
  4. Oh Lynda. I know how your heart has been broken since you lost your sweet sister. I am so glad you were able to spend time with her precious little son. It was so sweet of you to get a tree in memory of her. That is something you will always be able to do for that sweet little boy. You can always tell him about his mom and share special things she liked with him. I just know that your sister is spending Christmas with you this year...deep inside your heart! I'll be thinking of you through the holidays and sending lots of hugs your way!
  5. Yes, Eppie. Thanks for keeping all of us laughing!!!
  6. Ann

    To all of you

    Nancy, I love you, too. You have always been such a great source of love and support for me. I know the next few days will be extrmely difficult and painful for you. Just remember that Mike is right there with you andd will live forever in your heart!
  7. Pat, my heart is breaking for you. I can certainly understand that you are NOT OK. What you are going through right now is something that is NOT OK. You always have such faith in God and His ability to guide us and help us through all of these trials of life. You always tell us that God will help us. Now, it is time to remember that He is there for you and Brian. I Know it may feel like He doesn't know you are having these heartaches...but He does. Pat, just lean on God...and us. We will all be here for you. This is a time to make precious memories. Live for each day that you and Brian have to share. Hospice will be a great help and comfort to you. I am still praying for a miracle for you and Brian. I believe and I know you do, also!
  8. Ann


    Pat and Brian....We will never stop praying for you.
  9. That's ricidulous! I hope you gave them an earful! Send the rats down to the pub and we'll all kick up where it hurts!!!!
  10. Ginny, I agree. Mall shopping carts would be an excellent idea! I never buy that much at one time except at Christmas but those carts would really come in handy then! I think our mall has a suggestion box...maybe I'll drop that one in!
  11. SEMINARS FOR MEN Once again the female staff will be offering courses to men of any marital status. Class sizes will be limited to 10, as course material may prove difficult. The following courses will be offered this semester: Combating Stupidity PMS - Learning When To Keep Your Mouth Shut Parenting: It Doesn't End With Conception How Not To Act Younger Than Your Children You - The Weaker sex How To Stay Awake After sex Weekends And Sports Are Not Synonymous Postural Hints For Couch Potatoes The Remote Control: Overcoming Your Dependency Bodily Functions 101: Why It Is Unacceptable To Relieve Yourself Anywhere But In The Bathroom Bodily Functions 102: How To Put The Toilet Seat Down Bodily Functions 103: Why Fluffing The Blankets After Farting is Not Necessary Domestic Science 101: How To Locate The Kitchen Domestic Science 102: How To Fill An Ice Cube Tray Geography 101: Real Men Ask For Directions Social Skills 101: Reasons To Give Flowers Social Skills 102: How Not To Act Like A Jerk When You Are Obviously Wrong sex 101: You Can Fall Asleep Without It If You Really Try sex 102: The Morning Dilemma or If It's Awake, Take A Shower Author Unknown Hugs To You All!!!!
  12. Shellie...that is so cute!!! Brought a big smile to my face! Thanks so much!
  13. Actual message taken by a husband for his wife.... The Gyna Colleges called. They said the Pabst Beer is fine. I thought you didn't like beer.
  14. Ann

    Good visit!

    Merry Christmas, Kelly. What a wonderful gift!!!
  15. Ann

    Bah Humbug...

    ((((((((((((((((Tammy)))))))))))))))))) Hope things get better!
  16. Ann

    'tis the season

    Lil...so beautiful and so true. Thanks for reminding us. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I know you may be working but I am sure you will bring joy into the hearts of the people you care for.
  17. Wow...this one is definitely a keeper. I have a little saying that this story reminds me of... A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how she's going to react until she's in hot water. Thanks for this post!
  18. You gals are way too easy! Where's that spitit of competition and the attitude that women are ALWAYS right and should ALWAYS win??? Are you saying we should "let" these guys win? Awwwww.....come on girls! You're disappointing me!
  19. Ann

    Kasey's taters

    It's from a post, Nancy.
  20. I'm with Amie on this one. I love to shop. Now, for all the men on the board that may not know, there is a big difference between shopping and buying. Buying is for the people that have the funds. Shopping is often for those of us that like to look. I'm definitely a shopper-looker-browser. I can spend an hour in a store, find something I really like, and then put it down because I question myself to death, debating whether I can afford it? Really need it? Do I even really like it? See, I'm one of these gals that makes men hate to shop with them. But, I love to look! I love to find bargains! I have been known to buy Christmas gifts as early as January (sales-woo-hoo) and then forget I have the gift bought by December. As for getting done...still working on that. Have you ever tried filling stockings for three grown men that will always be your little boys? I still want to buy toys and games and bubble gum! Socks and underwear left bt Santa would be very dull and boring! Oh, as for Santa....I still believe!
  21. In this debate about who posts the best laughs, I have always thought that the gals jokes were much better. Then, when Eppie posted her "jellyfish" picture, that really put us over the top. But...now Frank has come back with a really good one about the little boy in the closet! So...come on gals....lets' get busy here! We have definite competition and the competition is armed with beer and chocolate donuts!!!
  22. This one is too funny Frank!
  23. Are you a born shopper? Do you really enjoy shopping and looking for a special gift or do you just grab something and hope for the best? When do you begin your Christmas shopping and when do you usually finish?
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