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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Cyndy...I think this is great! I love reading things like this! My soon to be DIL teaches 3rd grade and is always begging us all for boxes of tissue. She says there are so many little ones that come to school with the sniffles and are always wiping their noses on their sleeves...or arms...ugh! Maybe the "hankie report" should be reinstated.
  2. Thinking of you, Bill!
  3. Ann

    My mom is gone

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how heartbroken you are right now. ((((((((Holly))))))
  4. Ann


    Yes, I have been thinking of her and Lori and saying lots of prayers. Hope we get good news soon!
  5. I always look through the catalogs. I love to "window" shop and this lets me take care of my addiction without leaving home. Also, I sometimes get some very good craft ideas to use. Let me tell you what I do with the rest. I save up the envelopes the junk mail comes in. Then, I randomly pick a piece of junk mail and stash in an envelope...any envelope. So...Capitol One may get something back from Sears....etc. It's almost like a game of revenge. These folks have to pay postage and just imagine how confused and pissed they must get.
  6. Sorry to be late on responding to this post. I hope you got your dad to the ER over the weekend. Please let us know how he's doing. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Andrea, don't you just love the way some people leave messages? I have been through this with my doctor and it seems to always happen on Friday and drive you crazy over the weekend. When it comes to any illness or test results, I think we always tend to worry about the worst. Maybe the doctors shouldn't even leave a message on Friday unless they have something definitive to tell you. They all tell us that stress can kill and to keep stress levels down, yet so many times the doctors contribute to this stress. Please let us know how you are doing? I just know everything will be A-O-K
  8. Martha, I am so sorry to hear that your mother is not doing well. Hospice will be an enormous help to both you and your mom. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that she is pain free and all of her needs are being met. They will be a great source of friendship and guidance for you and your family. I am remembering you and your mom in my heartfelt prayers.
  9. Ann

    Addie update

    Addie...you just made my day! I hate Mondays with a passion but logging on and seeing your post made life a lot brighter for me today! I love ya gal!
  10. Ann

    Thank you, John

    Ditto, John...to all of the above!!!
  11. Flyers, Catalogs, Junk Mail.....something we all have to deal with. When you get these, do you look at them or just toss them immediately? Have you found any creative ways to stop this mail from coming to your mailbox?
  12. ((((((((((Denise))))))) I am so very sorry. Please know that we are all thinking of you and saying prayers for your family. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing your wonderful father is at peace. No more pain and suffering can this terrible disease cause him!
  13. (((((((((((((((((Sue)))))))))))))) You and Mike are always in my prayers. You never even have to ask!
  14. Weight loss is one resolution that a lot of us seem to make but don't always stick to. What are some things you have done to help you stick to a weight loss routine?
  15. Roseymac....so good to see a post from you! How have you been doing? Please keep in touch! So saddened to hear about Lou Rawls. He has always been a favorite of mine.
  16. ROFl, Kasey. I was wondering the same thing about my year!!! Don't you think we should use the dog year method for our age???
  17. Shelly...glad for sis's remission! You certainly deserve good news! I love the toilet paper saying!!! I'm a TP freak. Always have so much around the house. Have a phobia of running out of TP. Thanks for the posts. Great additions to the board!!!
  18. Ann

    Pub's OPEN!

    Hey Joanie!!!! I'll buy your first drink!!! So glad you're feeling better. You have been so missed!
  19. Glad you liked it, Rich. I really like my age in dog years!!!!
  20. For several years, I was a manager with Target. At the time, they had a senior special for free coffee with any food purchase. There was a group of local seniors that would come in every morning, buy a cookie and get a free coffee. Well, I "adopted" this group and officially started the Senior Breakfast Club. Most of these people were low income and had no social life. I started "field trips" for them and had parties every holiday! Target generously helped me with this pet project. I also got them involved in volunteering for various community projects. When I lost Dennis, they all carpooled and showed up at the memorial service. You have no idea how this touched my heart, as most of them never ventured out at night.
  21. For all of us who love interseting facts and data....you're gonna flip over this site. Just put in your birthdate and go from there. Have fun! http://www.paulsadowski.com/birthday.asp
  22. Ann

    Squirrel lovers

    Eppie...what a great picture! My neighbor has a big oak tree that spreads over into my yard. There are so many little squirrels that hang out in that tree. I love to watch all their little antics. When we had all the hurricanes here in 2004, wildlife shelters were absolutely filled with baby squirrels that had fallen from trees.
  23. Ann


    Katie...thanks so much for keeping us posted on our Connie. I am so very glad to hear that she is doing better today! I am continuing to say lots of prayers for her recovery!
  24. What a wonderful voice this man had. I will always love his music. My sympathy to his family on their loss.
  25. Hello, Martha and welcome to our group. I am sorry that you have a reason to be here but please know that this board is comprised of some of the nicest, caring folks you will ever know. I know you must be heartbroken trying to deal with your mom's illness. It is tough to play the role of daughter and mother at the same time and remain strong for both your mom and your children. I don't think there is a way to really prepare yourself for losing a loved one. Does your family have Hospice to help care for your mom? If not, this would be my first recommendation. They can be really great for both patient and family. Please know that we are thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for you and your mom.
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