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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Let us think of Connie

    Thinking of our Connie and saying lots of prayers! Kasey...your outlook on life is tops!!! You're just the best!!!
  2. Lil...I have never once doubted that you will survive. I have always reminded you of your inner strength. I know it's been hard for you to find that strength while trying to overcome so many obstacles. I think you finally have your head in the right place. You're looking at things from a rational standpoint and have some plans and goals in place for the new year! Happy New Year , my friend. I think it's going to be a good one for you.
  3. Holly, this was a beautiful post. I pray that your mom has found the peace she needs to make her journey easier. I want to say more but JC's words are so perfect that I feel no more needs to be said! Saying prayers.
  4. Ann

    Cure Magazine ???

    Sorry guys...I think the article said Lymphoma...not stomach cancer. Thanks for the link!!!
  5. Shirley...I was wondering when this news was going to surface!!! You already know how very thrilled I am for you! You and I have both been through some really hard times and we both deserve some TLC!!! I am so happy that we can begin to move ahead!!!
  6. Ann

    Cure Magazine ???

    Does anyone have this months copy handy? I meant to bring mine into work today to share something about the bacteria h pylori that we have been discussing. Donna has shared that it has been connected with lung cancer and now this article is saying if you have had this you are at a fairly high risk for stomach cancer. This is very disturbing, as I was treated for this bacteria about a year ago. Didn't even know I had a problem. Doc found it in routine lab work.
  7. Ann

    The Visit !!!

    Larry...First of all let me tell you just how good it was to come back to the board and see your posts. We were all so very worried about you and no one had heard from you in a LONG time. As for your post, it is so odd to read that today. I was just "talking" with our Kasey yesterday about something very much the same. A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about Dennis and our life together. It suddenly hit me that maybe Dennis was "my" guardian angel, sent from God to help me through all the hard times. He "rescued" me at a moment when I truly needed saving and he helped me to a point in life where the children were grown, through school and able to stand alone. I now truly believe I was his "assignment" from God. Thanks so much for sharing this post with us. It helps confirm the thoughts I have already been having.
  8. YIPPEE... Thanks for this great news!!! Thank you, God, for watching over our dear friend!
  9. OK... a few details. Richard (Dick to friends) is a super guy! He's 58 years young and is just a super person. He's retired from the newspaper business due to an injury that required a total knee replacement. He keeps himself very busy...never misses a day at the gym. He likes all your typical guy things....football, baseball, fishing, NASCAR (longtime Rusty Wallace fan) and such. But...listen up gals!!! He loves to cook and is does an excellent job of it. Actually his cooking puts mine to shame. He is always willing to do anything I want to do...even shopping. And...he calls me his princess!!! My sons think he's great... and so do my dogs and cats! How can you be anything but right with those stamps of approval. No wedding date set as yet. I think we may elope...LOL I just love all you guys so much!!! Now...anyone got a tissue. Not crying....just need to blow my nose from this nasty cold!!!!
  10. Ann

    Thank you all

    Troy... I am so very sorry to read of your loss. I am, however, glad to know you were able to spend some quality time with your mom near the end. Please remember that your mom will always live in your heart!
  11. I always have mixed emotions about sharing good news when so many of our members are experiencing so much pain. But...I thought my good news might bring a smile to some faces and bring some hope for others. As some of you know, I have been seeing a really special person for quite some time now. After doing some really hard soul searching and talking a lot to God, I have decided to move on with life. I accepted a beautiful ring for Christmas said yes to a very sweet and special marriage proposal. This wonderful man knows that he will never replace my dear Dennis and the beautiful part is that he told me, and my sons, that he has no desire to try. He knows there are feelings that no one will ever be able to stir in my heart. But...he loves me and wants to share life with me. I sincerely hope that I will remain welcomed here on this board. I am still (and always be) a part of this very special LCSC family. Lung Cancer changed my life forever. With God's help, I am going to try and go forward.
  12. Shelly....You got me!!! Busted!!! Exposed!!! How did you ever crack the case????
  13. Ann

    I Asked God.....

    asked God to take away my habit...... GOD said, " NO... It is not for ME to take away... but for you to give it up. I asked GOD to make my handicapped child whole. GOD said, NO... His SPIRIT is whole, his body is only temporary. I asked GOD to give me patience. GOD said, NO... Patience is a by-product of tribulations, It Isn't granted, it is learned. I asked GOD to give me happiness. GOD said, NO... I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you. I asked GOD to make my spirit grow. GOD said, NO... You must grow on your own! But I will prune you to make you fruitful. I asked GOD to spare me pain. GOD said, NO... Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares And brings you closer to ME. I asked GOD for all things That I might enjoy life. GOD said, NO... I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things. I asked GOD to help me LOVE others, As much as HE loves me. GOD said... AHHHHH, Finally you have the idea. To the world you might be one person, But to one person You just might be the world... ~unknown
  14. Lori...just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and saying prayers for you and your mom.
  15. Here..here...a toast to our Cindi!!! Better late than never! In addition to being a great asset to our group, this gal really knows how to run a pub!!! Thanks Cindi...for being you!!!
  16. Thanks to all of you for missing me. Although all of your stories were great, I must say nothing nearly this exciting was happening to me. I had a week off from work (wonderful) but ended up fighting a cold/bug/flu/virus and spending mosst of the week in bed. I am so sorry I didn't ask Ry for a pass. Can you please forgive me? I still feel yucky but am back to work today! So sorry to read all of the bad things that have been happening to our family here at LCSC.
  17. Ann

    Addie Update ~

    Addie...you are deeply loved!
  18. Great idea, Shelly. Thanks.
  19. Ann

    Cookbook update

    I got great responses from the books I gave away, also. My sons were so grateful and felt so connected, as their dad's picture was in the front of the book. If you don't have a copy yet, you have no idea what you are missing.
  20. Ann


    Yes...I believe. I have had numerous experiences since losing Dennis. I have also had two visits with a medium that were absolutely amazing! So glad you know that Donna is with you!
  21. Ann

    Brian K Osberg

    (((((((((Pat))))))))) I am so very sorry ! Please remember that we love you and are keeping you in our hearts and prayers!
  22. Trish, I have been thinking of you and Jeffrey and wondering how he is progressing. Thanks for keeping us posted. I am keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
  23. (((((((((((((Beth)))))))))))). So very sorry.
  24. (((((((((((Tina)))))))))))) Praying that this year will be better for you!
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