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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Mom is with Jesus

    So very sorry, Kim. I will be keeping both you and your father in my thoughts and prayers. I know what pain you are all going through right now but i can especially relate to the lonliness he must be feeling!
  2. Paddy and David...my prayers are certainly with both of you right now. You are also in my thoughts so very much. Hope things are better soon!
  3. Hi Bet and Ann. Welcome to our wonderful board. I am so sorry you have to be here but you will find this board is comprised of the very best group of folks you could ever find! Like you, I live in Florida. I'm in Palm Bay which is just south of Melbourne. My husband was a victim of SCLC, so I have an idea of what you are going through right now. It sounds like your mom has a very proactive doctor which is a very good thing. My husband had a wonderful doctor at MD Anderson in Orlando. Please keep in touch with us and know that we are all here for you!!!!
  4. Ann

    Dean Carl~

    Dean Carl and Gay.....I am thinking of both of you and saying prayers for you each and every day. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
  5. Betty, I am so glad to hear that you are safe and sound. We really took a hard hit from Jeanne here in southern Brevard County. This place looks like some area of a war torn country. I had really severe damage. As i had suspected, my roof did not fare well during this storm. I have caved in ceilings all over the place and extensive water damage. My main concern right now is the mold problem. I already have mold growing on some of my walls. The combination of dampness and heat is just the right combination for this stuff to grow. I have someone coming in here tommorrow to test all areas of the house for mold. They said it may very well be in carpet and all porous materials in the house. I thought the night Frances passed through our little town was terrible but Frances was nothing compared to Jeanne. How terrifying Saturday night was!!! President Bush is going to tour our county tommorrow for damage. I'm sure most of you have already seen pictures. I have spent most of the day just throwing things away. Many things that I have had for years and mean so much to me are now sitting at the street waiting to be picked up tommorrow. we all have fear that we may get yet another storm before the season is over. Nothing seems safe anymore. Life here and the laid back way of thinking is gone. But...I have to have hope and faith that things will be better. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!!!
  6. Well, it's almost nine o'clock here and for some unknown reason, I still have power. The news is reporting that many areas really near me have already lost power. We are having winds of 50 plus mph already. They are saying that Brevard County will be the hardest hit from this one, as we are getting the northern bands of the eyewall. We have been told to expect sustaining winds of 120 mph with gusts of 150 mph. I cannot eveb imagine how my already damages roof is going to hold up during this ordeal. Things shoud really start hopping here around 11:30 tonight and continue with the hurricane force winds until late tommorrow morning. They are saying we will have 65 mph winds all day tommorrow and still into tommorrow night! My nerves are completely frazzled at this time. I still have some of the Ambien for sleeping and am tempted to take a pill and just go to bed but they really knock me out and I amy need to get up and out of here really fast! This isn't my cup of tea at all! Praying hard for Cat, Betty and pecola....and all other Floridians affected by this tropical instability!!!!
  7. Well, things aren't any better as I post this message. Landfall still looks to be very near me and they are saying Palm Bay and Melbourne will have the highest winds...with gusts of 150 miles per hour. They expect Jeanne can be a category 4 when she hits landfall. We are already getting high gusts of wind and have been having lots of rain. I am staying home, once again. These storms really reinforce one's faith in prayer. It's already dark inside, as everything is boarded up. Thank goodness I have my son, and two friends here with me. One friend lives in a mobile home, so we figured my home is much stronger. I just dread night coming. When the winds are howling and you can't see what's happening, it is very scary. Please pray for all of us affected by this storm.
  8. Just a quick post to ask you all to say a little pray for us Floridians....once again. I'm in Palm Bay, which is just south of Melbourne and just a few miles north of Vero Beach. I'm in South Brevard County and I'm sure any of you that tune into the Weather Channel have heard these town names multiple times today. It appears thet Hurricane Jeanne will hit us head on and produce hurricane force winds for over 12 hours. I still have a very damaged roof from Hurricane Frances which hit us just three weeks ago. My insurance adjustor is scheduled to finally be hee on Tuesday. I am really worried about the situation, as I had several leaks inside the garage earlier this week when we got downpours caused from Ivan's resurfacing and passing over Florida once again. I have tarps over the bare wood on the roof and am praying the wood strips will hold the tarps down. This is just all very depressing to deal with over and over again!!!!
  9. Isn't is something how such a small thing as a comb can bring back so many memories and emotions. I seem to go through this so very often. Dennis had so many things around the house and many of them I need and use. Still, when I pick up something of his, I start to have this flood of things running through my mind.
  10. Ann

    My mom lost.

    Shawn, I am so sorry to read of your mothers passing. We will all miss her posts very much. I am keeping you in my prayers and asking God to guide you through this terrible time and to help yu make sense of this senseless tragedy that has befallen you.
  11. Cat, I am so very worried about you. We Floridians have to stick together. Sometimes it is good to rid ourselves of excess baggage and venture out and experience new things. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. You know that we will all be concerned and worried until we hear from you!
  12. Ann

    He made a tape

    How wonderful of your dear husband to leave you this very special gift. Like others, I think Becky was right. I'm sure he knew that you would find this video he made, tucked away with other videos of special memories. I know how much you must cherish this video. I cherish every tape that shows even a glimpse of Dennis. Sometimes when I watch them, it seems like everything that has happened is just a dream. I'm praying for you!!!
  13. Jim, I think of Ada often and miss her posts terribly.
  14. I can only say that I am very sorry for your pain and I know what you are going through. The days ahead will bring many challenges but keep close to your friends and family and talk every chance you get. It really helps to get all these feelings your are dealing with off your chest. I am praying that God will grant you peace and strength through this difficult time. My husband was 50 when I lost him, so I can definitely relate to many of your feelings right now. Please let me know if I can help. I'm a good listener!
  15. Thanks for sharing Becky! You always have the very bestest information. Don't yu just love that word..."bestest?" That used to be my youngest son's favorite and most used word.
  16. Renee, I am so very saddened to hear of Scott's passing. I am praying that God will give you strength and guide you through the days ahead. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
  17. Hats off to the new family addition!!! Thee's nothing to warm your heart like puppy kisses!
  18. Ann

    Going Down Hill Fast

    Angie, I am so very sorry to hear of all you and your family are having to deal with right now. I pray things will become easier for you and that your Dad will become himself really soon.
  19. Ann


    David, you and Karen are always in my prayers but I'll send a few special ones up for you today!
  20. What a beautiful note. I, too, have found little notes from Dennis from timt to time and it breaks my heart to read them but at the same time it brings peace knowing and remembering how strong our love was, after 25 years. Those of us left behind are so unfortunate, as we have to struggle every day to deal with the loss. We can only pray that all of our loved ones are gathered in a beautiful place and are watching over all of us! I believe that!!!
  21. I am so saddned to read this news. My thoughts and prayers arw with you. My husband had just turned 50 when I lost him, so I can relate to everything you are going through right now. Please PM me if you need to talk at any time.
  22. So sorry to hear ths terrible news. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.
  23. I was the caregiver and information seeker for my husband after his diagnosis. He never asked the doctor "how long" or inquired about any statistics. He seemed to block out the need to know anything other when his appointments and treatments were scheduled. I was constantly on the interent, at the library or a bookstore, or seeking information other ways. It seemed that most of the information regarding sclc was rather grim and non-hopeful, so I kept the information to myself and never shared it with my husband. I do think, if I were the patient, I would absolutely have to know everything I possibly could get my hands on. Just goes to prove that everyone is different in the way they handle things.
  24. Lillian, I will be praying the God keeps your family safe during this storm. I finally have power again, as of yesterday and am back to work today for the first time, as there was no power there either. These storms are really bad this year and from what I hear, this will be the trend for a few years to come. Take deep breaths....we're all praying for you and yours!
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