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Everything posted by Ann

  1. What a very sweet story, Kim. It sure brought tears to my eyes. The little ones are so sensitive but sometimes have a hard time understanding and expressing their grief. It sounds like a good talk and a big old cry was just what the doctor ordered for both of you. I love the fact that you hung the sand dollar up. That is a way of telling him that it's OK to think of his Grandma and also asssure him that she will always be with him!! You're such a great mom! Hope you felt better after the cry. I always feel better after I cry and let a lot of things go!
  2. Ann

    Thank You God

    Joanie, I am very glad that you were blessed and so very glad to have you here with us. Your strength is such an inspiration to so many of us!!! God Bless!!!
  3. Ann

    sweet dream ~

    I am so glad to hear that you dreamed of your father. I am slways so much at peace after dreaming of Dennis. Often, I wake up in the morning and know I have dreamed about him but for the life of me can't remember what the dream was about. It's almost as if he was with me in my sleep but had to rush away before I woke up. Anyway, when we have lost someone we love it makes us very happy to have memories and dreams!!! Sweet dreams Berisa!!!
  4. What a nice prayer, Muriel. Thanks so very much for sharing with us!! Hope you're having a great day!
  5. Cindi, so sorry to hear that the nasty old flu bug made a stop at your house. I am so hoping I don't get the flu this year. Here in florida, it has been almost impossible to get a flu vaccine, high risk or not. I knew I couldn't get one at the beginning, as I'm not in the high risk group but held out hopes that I would be able to get one later on. Finally, two weeks ago, the high risk status was lifted and anyone over 50 could get a vaccine. Hey guys....even though I qualify it's only by one year...lol! I rushed to the health department and the wait was unbeliveable. I would have waited all day and they said even if I waited they might run out of vaccine. So....I have just been thing positive thoughts and praying a lot that the nasty flu bug will pass me by. I have been carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer with me everywhere I go. You get a lot of strange looks but hopefully it will work!!! I'm one of these people that really gets their butt kicked when the flu comes a'calling.
  6. Margaret...I am so sorry you are going through these tough times. I hope you will find some comfort in knowing so many people are praying for yu and sending loving hugs your way. Yes, this does progress quickly and it is so hard for a spouse to watch happen. I admire your strength and courage. One little note about the ceiling fan. For some reason, the ceiling fan seemed to add to Dennis's confusion at times. Things would be better when I would turn off the fan. I have no explanation. Love and prayers for both of you!!!
  7. Betty...just hang in there. You're doing great! If we survived all those hurricanes last fall, we can make it through anything! I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for you! So glad to hear from you!
  8. Hoping for an early spring for all my cold weather friends. We're having a beautiful day here in Florida. Of course, we had enough bad times during the hurricane season to equal all the snow and low temps yu guys are having!!!
  9. Fay, I'm crossing my fingers that your 'puter doesn't crash! I just hate it when I have computer problems. It's amazing how "shut off" from the world we feel when something bad happens to our computers!!!
  10. This has also happened to me. I am very active in the VFW. My Dad was a vet and I try and do a lot of things to help other vets in his honor. A man that belongs to our Post bears a striking resembelence to my Dennis. His name is also Dennis. He is a new member and has only been around for a few months. My best friend actually met him before I did. She finally told how much he looked (and acted) like my Dennis. He was so intrigued that he asked my friend to bring a picture to a meeting. She did and he and his wife were both totally blown away at the resembelence. He asked my friend if she would introduce him to me, so she did. I can tell you that was a strange moment for all of us. He must have felt some connection after seeing that picture and realizing how much alike the two of them looked. I'm getting more accustomed to looking up and seeing him walk through the door but it still always catches me off guard and I feel myself jump.
  11. Ann


    Very saddened to read this news. I always read Grumpys posts and was always appreciative of his frankness. He will be missed by many members of this board.
  12. Ann

    Prayer Request

    Prayers for you, Peggy! God Bless!
  13. Lukiss, thank goodness you are there for your Dad and thank goodness he is there for you. Cherish this time with each other, as it will bring you much peace in the future. I am praying that your Dad will be comfortable and be at peace knowing what a wonderful daughter he has by his side. Keeping you both in my prayers.
  14. Andrea, I'm right there with you on the lack of sleep issue. It seems I can fall asleep and sleep about an hour or so then wake up and am awake for the night. I was taking Ambien for a while and got really great results but I realized that after a while the stuff has to be addictive. I just stopped taking it and at times would have killed for a good nights sleep. Hope these tests find the problem so the doc can offer a solution. Angie...I know the feeling you are having. After I made the arrangements for Dennis, I had nothing else on my mind for days!!! Hope things get easier for you! Keeping you in my prayers!!!
  15. Ann

    PhD awarded

    Curtis, this is wonderful! I only hope that someone will be able to say a few words at this ceremony about Becky's strength and courage!!!
  16. Ann

    JOB Help

    It is just amazing how some od these companies can treat people that have gone through illness. Please, talk to an attorney immediately. Usually the consultation is free and if the attorney thinks you have a good case, the will usually take the case on contingency.
  17. My husband had a port and what a blessing it was. I would sit by his side during his chemotherapy sessions and so many times I saw people that were being "poked" with that needle many times trying to find a vein. We were always glad he had the port. He never experienced any problems with the port.
  18. Ann


    I just ordered 5 of the bracelets. I will share a bracelet with some of my close friends.
  19. Thanks so much for this post!!
  20. Ann

    Need Some Advice

    Bruce...so sorry to hear about your insurance woes. It sounds as if you have gotten some very good suggestions from this board. Hope they help. Now...what part of Tennessee are you from? That picture of the old mill looks very familar. I was born and raised just outside of Knoxville.
  21. Like everyone else, I also have a thyroid problem. I felt I had a problem for a long time before I found out. My PREVIOUS family doctor just always brushed off all the symptoms and never ordered any testing. My NEW family doc did blood work and founf my thyroid was highly underactive. I think all your symptoms are pretty classic. My oldest son (29) just found he has the same problem. He has no weight problem at all but he was beginning to feel a little sluggish in the afternoon. He has always had an extremely high energy level so this sent up a red flag for him. Doctor prescribed Synthroid but told him once he starts the meds, it's a lifelong thing. My son hasn't filled the meds yet and is reading some books about controlling this with diet. Doctor told him thyroid problems are highly hereditary.
  22. Ann

    new and confused...

    I think I agree with Becky. I think you should have further testing done. This should give you some peace of mind. Good luck.
  23. Ann


    Great News!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Keep it up!!!!!
  24. Ann

    Feel Good News

    Such good news ! It's so great to read happy stories on this board! I think that was such a super thing the nurses did for your Mom! There are really some great health care providers around! Hope the Florida trip happens! Our weather should be getting very nice really soon.
  25. Ann


    Hi gal!!! Did you forget to PM me your telephone number? I was going to give you a call today?????
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