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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Donna, and welcome! We have the same root name, I believe. Yep, the old life is over, but a new life has begun, and it isn't all bad. It is what you make of it. Please keep us informed of your progress and your questions so we may support you. Wishing you the best. Don
  2. Great to hear you enjoying your visit to Chicago. The big question is: Have you toddled yet?
  3. 1) God is good. 2) Lucie doesn't have to go back to the onc until October. 3) Many, many good friends who support us, including this site. 4) Two loving Beagles. 5) A great family.
  4. What a great idea! I will light a cancle here in Houston at 7PM CDT. Don
  5. Hi, Frances, and welcome here. My daughter's name is Frances also. Sorry about your dad, but hold onto the hope. Many survivors here. Let us know how we may support you and keep us posted on your dad's progress. Don
  6. Don Wood


    Val, I am so sorry. My heart is heavy. My heartfelt sympathies to you and family. Don
  7. Stable is good news. So glad to hear it. If Keith ever goes through the hot flashes, etc. again, inquire about Effexor. It is an antidepressant that also works to minimize hot flashes and such. Blessings to you both. Don
  8. I'm not really worried about the chickens. I come from New Orleans where they do voodoo and put the "gris gris" on you! LOL Don
  9. Don Wood

    Bone mets

    John is right. Radiation on bone mets is used if there is severe pain in the area and/or if there is threat of fracture to the bone. Otherwise, chemo is normally used. Lucie had five different areas of bone mets at diagnosis -- skull, rib, hip, fibula (leg) and upper spine. The hip and spine mets were radiated because of severe pain and to prevent further damage. The fibula was radiated because of threat of fracture (no pain). The skull and rib were left to the chemo treatment. All treatments worked. She has since had bone mets to the sacrum, rib, skull and fibula. Skull and fibula were in same areas as before. The sacrum (pain), skull (threat to brain), rib (pain), and fibula (pain and threat to fracture) were all radiated with success. She has had other rib mets that were left to chemo because there was no pain or threat to fracture. Best wishes. Don
  10. Well, No. 5 is untrue. I googled Susan Lucci and her bio says that it is an untrue rumor that she is the daughter of Phyllis Diller.
  11. Don Wood

    Cathy R has passed

    Caryl, heavy heart here. So sorry. Don
  12. Don Wood


    Brandy, my heartfelt sympathies. Don
  13. Sorry your mom is having so much trouble. As to the question of who is in charge, the answer is "the patient". In case the patient cannot, then the primary caregiver. We have found that WE have to be sure everyone is in the loop We were fortunate in that our GP usually coordinates things for us, and he told us when Lucie was diagnosed with LC that the medical oncologist would now be the focal point. And he has been. We still have to help fill in the gaps at times. That is one reason why each patient needs a proactive primary caregiver. Hope things smooth out soon. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Jana, prayers for you all. Don
  15. Thanks, Maryanne and Caryl. Go, Cathy!
  16. Thanks, Ry. Happy birthday, Gay! Prayers for you both. Don
  17. After all, it IS a fairy tale.
  18. Super news, Karen! Miracle time!
  19. Don Wood

    My Dad is Gone

    My heartfelt sympathies, Billie. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Now I'm Ready

    Whoo Hoo, Kasey! Great news!
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