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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood


    Francine, where are you, girl!
  2. Cindy is an empty head! Cindy is an empty head! Go, Cindy!
  3. Glad you're back in your own home. Prayers for continued healing and wellness. Don
  4. Appreciate the update, Gay. Serenity prayers for you both. Don
  5. Sounds great, Peggy. So relieved. You guys enjoy. Don
  6. Definitely a gal after my own heart!
  7. It is important that he eats something, even if it is all liquids. It is important to intake plenty of liquids anyway. Nausea can be caused by many things so don't jump to any definite conclusions. Don
  8. Sounds good so far, Ralph. Hoping for it all to go as you planned. Don
  9. Go,Mom! I agree with hubby -- a break will be good for you. Enjoy! Don
  10. Val, glad to see your post and know you are doing okay. Good for you to go be with your hubby. Healing from grief takes a long time, but it sounds like you are moving with it well. Keep in touch. Don
  11. Welcome! Wishing you both well as you move through the treatments. Don
  12. Egad! Glad it is turning out okay. Prayers continue. Don
  13. If your BIL has brain mets, he is stage IV, which is not good. But it is treatable and people have survived -- many are here on this website. Your BIL must eat, even if it is all liquid, such as Ensure, Breeze, Smoothies, soft ice cream, etc. He needs liquids to keep from being dehydrated, as Fay said. Also, I agree the pain should be controlled, and if he is not getting the care from this doctor he wants, he needs to check with a second doctor. Don
  14. Hi! Since your grandmother has metastatic cancer (spread to other parts of the body) and is not going to undergo any treatment to halt it, I think it would be unrealistic to expect her to live until your wedding six months from now or be able to participate if she is still around. Without treatment, the main focus would be to control pain and make her comfortable. Sorry you have to go through this. Don
  15. Don Wood

    still ned

    NED is good! NED is great!
  16. Great news, Cindy. So happy for you. Don
  17. Cindi, so sorry things are complicated for you. When I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer, I had a biopsy to be sure. I chose radiation therapy. When it recurred (according to PSA), I asked the doc about biopsy and he said the same thing your doc did -- it may or may not show cancer, and if it did not, he would still recommend treatment. I went with no biopsy and radioactive seeds treatment. Been fine ever since. Best to you. Don
  18. None of the chemo Lucie has had has been "easy" -- some just less bad than others. But then again, they worked. Wishing the same for you, TAnn. Don
  19. Good to see you back, Melanie. Love your spirit, too. Enjoy! Don
  20. Alriiiiiight, Jeffrey and Trish! Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music! Don
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