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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Dear Fay -- eloquent as usual. Well, rats! I know you are up to the battle again, as we have been these past three years, and know that we have many more. Your six years keep us going. Blessings. Don
  2. Hi, Kristi, and welcome. Keep us posted. Don
  3. I'm sure you will toddle on down tomorrow for the CT scan. Good luck! Don
  4. Now that's a familiar theme!
  5. I think it is a positive response, too. Anytime there is no significant growth is good news. Don
  6. Glad you two had a great time. Welcome back.
  7. Welcome, Pam! Prayers your way.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS! What a milestone! Don
  9. Congratulations and best wishes on your 2-year survivorship. Glad you got to celebrate at the college. Sounds great. Don
  10. Welcome, Kelly! That's my granddaughter's name, as well. Sorry about your mom. She has a right to be down with so much happneing to her. Just hang in there with her the best you can, and try to think of ways to cheer her up. My best (male)friend's wife has Chrone's disease, and at the same time battled leukemia. She is now 12 years out from diagnosis of the cancer. So, there is always hope and determination. Best to you all. Don
  11. Brings back memories of my own teenagers!
  12. Yep, men will be men. Hang in there. For the sweats, ask the onc about Effexor -- it is an antidepressant that cuts down on sweats. Lucie is taking it. Don
  13. So sorry, Maryanne. Friends are so special. Don
  14. Hi, Beth! Your continued warmth, humor and support shower us with sunshine and hope. Glad you are here to be with us on this journey. Blessings. Don
  15. We have been blessed by Cathy's presence here. Thanks for your kind words. It was a pleasure to burn a cancle for her Friday and know that others were doing the same across the country. Blessings. Don
  16. Lynne, I'm glad you had the chance to attend the memorial service. When people tell their families they don't want a service, they really forget that the service is not so much for the deceased as it is for those left behind. It is a time to celebrate the life now ended, and to help those here move on. Take care. Don
  17. I agree -- all pain should be investigated and controlled. Prayers for Nancy. Don
  18. I also lit a candle for CathyR at 7 pm CDT. How it glowed! Don
  19. Prayers for Rachel. Don't give up hope. Lucie, my wife, was diagnosed 9 months tops and that was in Oct. 2002! All the doctors are amazed. So miracles do happen. Don
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