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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood


    Thanks for the update, Cindi. Appreciate it.
  2. Lucie and I take much comfort in our two Beagles, Molly and Mandy. So we know what you mean. Have fun. Don
  3. Welcome! lots of support and info here. Keep us posted. Don
  4. Thanks for posting, Peggy, and letting us know how you two are doing. Glad to hear you will be back with us. Blessings. Don
  5. Hang in there, Darlene. Plenty of hope round here. Don
  6. Hang in there, bartender! We need you here! My prayers are with you. Lucie had a biopsy on her spine and came through okay. Don
  7. Congratulations, MaryAnn! How wonderful! How inspiring to us! Five years calls for a special celebration. I'm going to Cindi o'h's bar and have a few Margaritas in a toast to you. You rock, gal! Don
  8. Jen, Lucie's main tumor was a large met to her upper spine, C-7/T-1. She had a series of radiation done and it worked well. It arrested the damage and she has had no further damage there. Her met was high enough that the esophagus was also radiated, and she had trouble swallowing for a while. Yours is low enough that this should not be a problem. Good luck. You should get good results. Don
  9. I always thought my three children would all get married and have children. Only one in three is married (ages of our kids are 45, 42 and 38), and he has two children.
  10. Don Wood


    Elaine, prayers for you and your daughter. Don
  11. My well wishes, too, Becky.
  12. To be depressed is normal for us humans. Yet, we can decide to pull ourselves out of it with the help of others. You have made a good start by expressing your feelings here. I wish you positive things. Don
  13. Welcome! Sorry for your loss. I lost both my parents within 11 months when I was in my early 20's. It is very hard, but one can move on. When Peter Jennings' death was announced, the usual focus arose -- smoking. I said to my wife that what we needed was a celebrity with LC who didn't smoke, so the focus could be on the disease where it belonged. And, voila, Dana Reeve! There have been some good articles on LC since then. Appreciate your zeal for wanting to work for LC. Don
  14. Happy birthday, Shirley!
  15. Don Wood


    Super news, Kelly! We know the feeling -- when Lucie was thought to have liver mets and the lesion turned out to be benign, it was sweet music to our ears. Don
  16. Thanks, Val. I suggested Lucie participate herself, so you all can get to know her better. Glad you enjoyed it. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Carrie Ridley

    My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  18. I saw the news on CNN and Yahoo websites.
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